Upload and Download Logs

Upload and Download Logs

This can be found under the Logs tab within the Data Management section.


This section allows you to view and analyze upload and download operations and their status. This is useful for troubleshooting, monitoring, and auditing purposes.

To access this section, you need to have the permission Account Activity Log - read.

  • Table: This area shows detailed logs in a structured format, including various attributes such as timestamp, message, and additional metadata. Each log entry provides insights into Data Management events within the PlatformManager.

  • ELK Query Search: Allows you to perform detailed and specific searches within the logs. Enter your query into the search box to filter logs according to specific criteria.

    • Queries Dropdown: Allows you to save, share and edit you queries.

      • Save and Share: Allows you to save your ELK queries for future use and share them with other users via email.

      • Manage Queries: Allows you to manage your saved queries, which includes editing or deleting existing queries.

  • Date Range Filter: To the right of the search bar, you can select a specific date range to view logs from. Use the calendar icons to set the start and end dates, narrowing down the logs displayed to a particular time frame.

  • Export CSV button: Allows you to export the displayed logs into a CSV file format.


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PlatformManager version 1.80.0