Type Codes
Type codes are abbreviations used to identify different data types within Pricefx.
Type codes are extensively used in the general search method api.find() but there are other places as well. There are some exceptions to this; see the information below.
Type Codes
You can find all available type codes within the PfxMetadata in Pricefx Studio. In IntelliJ IDEA with Pricefx Studio plugin installed, click the PfxMetadata button to expand the list of entities. The Type Codes are displayed in parentheses:
The list of type codes can be retrieved using the HTTP API fetch command.
Code | Type | Notes |
ACTT | ActivityTrail |
AI | ActionItem |
AIT | ActionItemType |
AP | ApplicationProperties |
BD | BinaryData |
BPT | BoundPartition |
BR | BusinessRole |
C | Customer |
CA | CustomerAssignment |
CAM | CustomerAttributeMeta |
CDESC | CustomerDescription |
CF | CalculationFlow |
CFO | Custom Form |
CFOMCAAM | CustomFormModuleCategoryAttributeMeta |
CFOT | Custom Form Type |
CFS | CalculatedFieldSet |
CFT | CalculationFlowTrait |
CH | CommentHistory |
CL | Claim |
CLLI | ClaimLineItem |
CLLIAM | ClaimLineItemAttributeMeta |
CLR | ClaimRecord |
CLT | ClaimType |
CN | ClusterNode |
CO | CompensationPlan |
COR | CompensationRecord |
CS | CalculationSchedule |
CT | Contract |
CTHT | ContractHeaderType |
CTAM | ContractAttributeMeta |
CTLI | ContractLineItem |
CTMU | ContractMassUpdate |
CTMUI | ContractMassUpdateItem |
CTT | ContractTermType |
CTTAM | ContractTermTypeAttributeMeta |
CTTREE | ContractTree |
CW | ConfigurationWizard |
CX | CustomerExtension |
CXAM | CustomerExtensionAttributeMeta |
DA | DataArchive |
DB | Dashboard |
DCR | DataChangeRequest |
DCRAM | DataChangeRequestItemAM |
DCRI | DataChangeRequestItem |
DCRL | DataChangeRequestLog |
DCRMC | DataChangeRequestMassChange |
DCRT | DataChangeRequestType |
DE | DataExport |
DI | DataImport |
DM | DMDatamart |
DMDC | DMDataChunk |
DMDL | DMDataLoad |
DMDS | DMDataSource |
DMF | DMDataFeed |
DMM | DMModel |
DMR | DMRollup |
DMS | DMSchema |
DMSIM | DMSimDatamart |
DMSSCALC | DMSalesSimDatamartCalculation |
DMSSIM | DMSimSchema |
DMT | DMTable |
DP | DealPlan |
DPR | DealPlanRound |
DPT | DealPlanType |
DREF | DocumentRef |
DREG | DeviceRegistration |
EDL | EntityDeploymentLog |
ET | EmailTask |
EVT | EventTask |
F | PricingFormula |
FE | PricingFormulaElement |
FN | FilterNode |
HEVT | HookEvent |
HRT | HeaderRebateType |
HRTAM | HeaderRebateTypeAttributeMeta |
IDC | InlineDetailsConfiguration |
IE | InternalEvent |
ISH | IntegrationStatusHistory |
JLTV | JsonLookupTableValue | JSON (single key) type of PP table |
JLTV2 | JsonLookupTableValue2Key |
JLTVM | JsonLookupTableValueAttributeMeta |
JST | JobStatusTracker |
LAT | LoginAuditTrail |
LT | LookupTable |
LTT | LookupTableTree |
LTV | LookupTableValue |
M | Message |
MC | ModelClass |
MCA | ModuleCategory |
MLTV | MatrixLookupTableValue |
MLTV2 | MatrixLookupTableValue2Key |
MLTV3 | MatrixLookupTableValue3Key |
MLTV4 | MatrixLookupTableValue4Key |
MLTV5 | MatrixLookupTableValue5Key |
MLTV6 | MatrixLookupTableValue6Key |
MLTVM | MatrixLookupTableAttributeMeta |
MN | ModelNature |
MO | ModelObject |
MPL | ManualPricelist |
MPLAM | ManualPricelistItemAttributeMeta |
MPLI | ManualPricelistItem |
MPLIT | ManualPricelistIntegrationTag |
MPLT | ManualPricelistTree |
MR | ModelRecord |
MRAM | ModelRecordAttributeMeta |
MT | ModelType |
NT | Note |
OBJLCK | ObjLock | Lock for objects (Q, CT, RBA, SC, RR and COR) that are being recalculated. (from version 14.0) |
P | Product |
PAM | ProductAttributeMeta |
PBOME | ProductBoMEntry |
PCOMP | ProductCompetition |
PCOMPCO | ProductCompetitionConfig |
PCW | PendingCreationWorkflow |
PDESC | ProductDescription |
PG | PriceGrid |
PGI | PriceGridItem |
PGIM | PriceGridItemAttributeMeta |
PGT | PriceGridTree |
PGTT | PriceGridType |
PH | PartitionHelp |
PL | Pricelist |
PLI | PricelistItem |
PLIM | PricelistItemAttributeMeta |
PLPGTT | PricelistPricegridType | Removed since the release of Caribou Lou 14.0. |
PLT | PricelistTree |
PLTT | PriceListTypeOnly |
PR | PriceRecord |
PRAM | PriceRecordAttributeMeta |
PREF | Preferences |
PT | Partition |
PWH | PasswordHistory |
PX | ProductExtension |
PXAM | ProductExtensionAttributeMeta |
PXREF | ProductXReference |
PYR | PayoutRecord |
PYRAM | PayoutRecordAttributeMeta |
Q | Quote |
QAM | QuoteAttributeMeta |
QLI | QuoteLineItem |
QMU | QuoteMassUpdate |
QMUI | QuoteMassUpdateItem |
QT | QuoteTree |
QTT | QuoteType |
QTTAM | QuoteTypeAttributeMeta |
R | Role | Roles are non-partitioned objects, hence they are not allowed in the usual find/stream methods. |
RAT | RebateAgreementTemplate |
RATM | RebateAgreementTemplateAttributeMeta |
RBA | RebateAgreement |
RBAAM | RebateAgreementAttributeMeta |
RBALI | RebateAgreementLineItem |
RBAROLI | RebateAgreementReadOnlyLineItem |
RBAT | RebateAgreementTree |
RBT | RebateType |
RBTAM | RebateTypeAttributeMeta |
RR | RebateRecord |
RRAM | RebateRecordAttributeMeta |
RRS | RebateRecordSet |
RRSC | RebateRecordSetCalculation |
RT | RefreshToken |
SAT | SecurityAuditTrail |
SC | SavedChart |
SCN | Scenario |
SCNAM | ScenarioAttributeMeta |
SCT | SavedChartTree |
SIAM | SimulationItemAttributeMeta |
SIM | Simulation |
SIMI | SimulationItem |
SL | Seller |
SLAM | SellerAttributeMeta |
TFA | TFAToken |
TODO | ToDoItem |
U | User |
UG | UserGroup |
US | UploadStatus |
W | Workflow |
WD | WorkflowDelegation |
WF | WorkflowFormula |
WFE | WorkflowFormulaElement |
XPGI | MatrixPriceGridItem |
XPLI | MatrixPricelistItem |
XSIMI | MatrixSimulationItem |
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