Pricefx Studio v12 Release Notes
IntelliJ IDEA supported versions: 2022.1 – 2024.1.x
JDK – version 17 or higher is recommended
Pricefx Studio 12.1.4 (IDEA 2022.1 - 2024.1.x)
New Features
info: patch release for Studio 12.1.3
Auto-completion for PA charts
Bug Fixes
PfxMetadata tool window - loading problem fixed
PfxBrowser component - show markdown fixed (PfxComponents tool window)
Pricefx Studio 12.1.3 (IDEA 2022.1 - 2024.1.x)
New Features
Showing number of queries, their counts and duration for each element resultPFAUT-1072
Showing memory size of each element resultPFAUT-1063
Showing a warning when an element duration reaches timeout limitPFAUT-1070
Auto-completion of "input" injected variable based values from 'Inputs' tabPFAUT-1065
New inspection to enforce closing streams using .withCloseable {}PFAUT-1060
Nested project modules to deploy different groups of partitionsPFAUT-1061
Added ConfiguratorEntry Live templates for all input typesPFAUT-1050
Added PfxChatBot tool windowPFAUT-1076
New components for labels translationsPFAUT-1079
Added Highchart Live Templates: Combined and ColumnStackedPFAUT-1077
Imports in attributes editors (PAM, PXAM, CXAM, SXAM, LTAM)
reporting plugin crashes to JetBrains marketplace (instead of JIRA since it was only for internals)
Custom Form Type editor improvements
Bug Fixes
Navigation to the place of error when configurator execution crashedPFAUT-1066
Adding deprecated Groovy API methods
Pricefx Studio 12.0.7 (IDEA 2022.1 - 2023.3.x)
New Features
PfxComponents tool window - added "Show diff" buttonPfxComponents tool window now shows ‘Terms of Use’ tab
Added auto-completion to several API methods (createDMField(), createDMFields(), getDataFeed() etc)
Do not create when creating componentAdjusted ConfiguratorEntry live template
element navigation in case of configurator execution failure fixed
Bug Fixes
config.json baseurl normalization for password store caused missing username/password error
binded variable for Pricelist and PriceGridItem in workflow logic were wrong
Pricefx Studio 12.0.6 (IDEA 2022.1 - 2023.3.x) - UNSTABLE
Problem with partition username/password
if you have a slash-ending baseUrl stored in config.json, Studio cannot find your stored values for "username/password" or "SAML config". The solution is to manually delete the last slash from the baseUrl value for such a partition.
New Features
LogicEditor - tab element code
PfxComponent does not import specific files (pom.xml, .gitignore, etc)PFAUT-1039
Free name change when creating WorkflowLogic elements copy/paste improved (shortcuts, detection)
Logic editor tab Groovy console - added flag "write" to execute button
Bug Fixes
fix deploy attrs inheritance from config.json (keepLabelIntact etc)PFAUT-850
ModelClass logics in Project tool windowPFAUT-1044
Logic test execute fixedPFAUT-1043
Groovy completion and inspection improvedPFAUT-1019
Groovy completion for libs fixedPFAUT-1042
Groovy completion libs scope fixedallow char '.' in config.json partition name
Groovy code completion edge cases in calc logic element name (java keyword collisions)
Fetch button enable/disable fixedPFAUT-1049
Groovy completion - fix ConcurrentModificationExceptionfix consuming 100% of CPU time (flow layout second pass problem)
connect to partition fixed (flow rewritten)
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