Troubleshooting Python Engine

Python job does not start, raises an error right at the start "failed to resolve reference" and gets stuck at "Processing" without displaying any progress

You may have forgotten to enable the Python image for the partition. See for Python specific information and for general information about Job Trigger.

If not, you may have made a typo in the image URL in your Groovy logic. Double-check that the image URL, especially the name and tag, is correct.

Python job starts, but fails with weird error such as timeout on the platform log or "connection reset by peer"

You may have insufficient timeout/attachment size configured in your partition settings. Check with support that the partition settings mentioned in are at adequate values for the job you are running.

Python job fails with “parameters length exceeds the max allowed value:...." or “argument list too long" error

Your script and the arguments it will receive, which are passed together to JobTriggerCalculation as parameters, is too large. Large amounts of data should be passed indirectly, via a table which is fetched from a script. For details see .

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