Layout (Custom Form)

Since version 9.0

Custom Form Widget Layout

When Custom Form widget (both types - standalone and embedded) is displayed on screen, it has the following parts/sections.

  • Custom Header (optional)

    • inputs

      • simple

      • Configurator forms (can have also Buttons)

    • result values

    • charts

  • Inputs

    • input fields

      • simple

      • Configurator forms (can have also Buttons)

  • Calculations

    • calculation results: values, matrices, charts

Custom Form Detail Page Layout

The detail page of a standalone Custom Form is configurable and consists of:

  • Steps

  • Tabs

  • Widgets

More about layout configuration is described in the article Dynamic Tabs Configuration.

Supported Widget Types for standalone Custom Form:

  • dashboard

  • messages

  • actions

  • notes

  • details

  • documents

  • workflow

  • workflowHistory

  • customForms - For cases, when you want to embed a Custom Form as a Tab content into another standalone Custom Form.

  • configurationWizards

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