Custom Form Overview

Since version 9.0

When beginning with Custom Forms, you can watch the introduction video.

Technically, the Custom Form is a special object type, which:

  • Can ask user for inputs.

  • Calculates result values.

  • Presents results in the form of charts, tables or plain lists of results.

  • Can be either standalone or embedded.

    • Embedded inside of another document - e.g., as a special tab on Quote detail page.

    • Standalone - where each type of the custom form has a separate page with a list of documents.

      • Can have an approval workflow.

      • Its page can have a layout with more steps and more tabs.

You can think about the Custom Form as a small micro application with a general purpose. Use case examples:

  • You can create an app to calculate CO2 emissions, and then use it as a separate tab in the Quote document, to support the additional needs of quotation process.

standalone tab detail
Figure 1. Standalone Custom Form - the tab with detail of the form. Here with Configurator button.
standalone tab dashboard
Figure 2. Standalone Custom Form - second tab, with an embedded dashboard.

See also Custom Forms in Pricefx Documentation.

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