Custom Form (CFO)

Since version 9.0

Custom Form stores the following data:

  • Definitions of the input fields.

  • Values of the input fields entered by the user.

  • Results calculated by the Custom Form logic.


uniqueName – (String)

label – (String) Description of the form.

customFormType – (CustomFormType) Type of this form.

parentTypedId – (String) ID of the parent, to which it is embedded. (Only meaningful for embedded Custom Form.)

inputs – (List<ContextParameter>) Input fields of the form.

outputs – (List<CalculationResult>) Outputs/results of the form.

attribute1..30 – (String) Fields for storing information, which is visible by the user in the Custom Form list page, and also query-able via api.find().

attributeExtension – Additional attributes fields, which can be used in similar was as attribute1..100 fields. See Attribute Extension fields.

formStatus – (CustomFormStatus) Status of this form.

calculationStatus – (int)

workflowStatus – (WorkflowStatus)

submitDate – (LocalDateTime)

submittedByName – (String) User unique name.

approvedByName – (String) User unique name.

deniedByName – (String) User unique name.

createdByName – (String) User unique name.

module – (ApplicationModule) Name of the application module, in which the user interface will show the menu item, which opens a page with a list of Custom Forms of this type. This is meaningful only when embedded is false.

The following fields are filled when a CFO is duplicated from another CFO:

  • originCustomFormId – ID of the origin CFO; physical field in the database.

  • originDeleted – Shows whether the origin CFO was (soft, hard) deleted or not. Transient field.

  • originLabel – Shows the label of the origin CFO. Transient field.

  • originUniqueName – Shows uniqueName of the origin CFO. Transient field.

These fields have the following behavior:

  • CFO does not have an origin object – All 4 fields have null values.

  • CFO has an origin object which is not deleted – All 4 fields contain copy of the corresponding fields from the origin.

  • CFO has a (soft, hard) deleted origin object – originCustomFormId =, originDeleted = true, originLabel and originUniqueName contain null.

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