Action Panels (Quick Reference)

Action panels allow end users to open links and perform actions on the backend application via a panel on the screen. This screen can be included in a dashboard, a wizard, among the quote item results, or anywhere else where results from a calculation logic are displayed on the screen.

A controller is a list of items that will be stacked on top of each other when rendered in the frontend application. These items can be buttons, links, or anything written in plain HTML code.

Create a controller, stack items on top o each other, and return it from the script:

def controller = api.newController() // Add items here return controller

See the sections below for the various types of items you have as options.

You can link to internal pages with addLink(). As an argument, it takes a label that will be displayed on the screen and a constant that describes the page that the link will lead to.

link item

For a full description of the various internal pages you can link to with addLink(), see the reference.

controller.addLink('All Quotes', AppPages.QC_DETAILS_PAGE, null)


You can also link to internal pages with addButton(). The only difference is how it is rendered on the screen:

button item
controller.addLink('Open Quotes', AppPages.QC_DETAILS_PAGE, null)


You can insert you own HTML snippets with addHTML().

Use your own custom HTML snippets in action panels sparingly; you never know how the style sheets will change in the future.

For simplicity, stick to plain HTML elements – without inline styling.

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