Upgrading Logic Manager to Pricefx Studio

Upgrading Logic Manager to Pricefx Studio

Step 1: Upgrade Projects

First it is necessary to make a change in every project started in IDEA in the previous version of the plugin (i.e. Logic Manager) – you need to move the logics into a new subfolder: 

  1. Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. In the project files tree, right-click on the root folder and choose New → Directory.
  3. Enter CalculationLogic (exactly like this) as a name and click 'OK'.
  4. Select all your non-workflow logics and drag them to this new CalculationLogic subfolder.
  5. In the project files tree, right-click on the root folder and choose New → Directory.
  6. Enter WorkflowFormula (exactly like this) as a name and click 'OK'.
  7. Select all your workflow logics and drag them to this new WorkflowFormula subfolder.
  8. Commit the changes in GIT.

Moving the logics to the CalculationLogic and WorkflowFormula subfolders does not have any impact on your team members who are still working in the legacy Logic Manager, since the legacy Logic Manager supports that. So you can do that any time.

Step 2: Upgrade IDEA plugin

  1. In the IntelliJ IDEA Windows version, click 'File' and select 'Settings'. In the Mac version, click 'IntelliJ IDEA' and select 'Preferences'.
  2. Open the Plugins tab.
  3. Search for pricefx to find the plugin named pricefx-logic-manager-idea and click 'Uninstall'.
  4. Click the Browse Repositories button.
  5. Click the Manage Repositories button.
  6. Select the repository URL and click the 'minus' button.
  7. Click the 'plus' button to add a new custom repository.
    To get the new repository URL, go to this page (registered users only). 
    Optionally, click 'Check now' to see if the URL can be accessed. 
  8. In the list of plugins, search for pricefx to find the plugin named pricefx-studio-idea.
  9. Select it and click 'Install'.
  10. Restart IDEA (as asked by the system).

Step 3: Update Project Libraries

Apply the latest documentation and auto-completion in your existing projects:

  1. Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. In the project files tree, right-click the root folder and choose 'Open Module Setting'.
  3. Click 'Libraries', select all in the middle and remove them using the 'minus' button.
  4. Click OK to close the Project Structure dialog.
  5. In the project files tree, right-click the root folder and choose 'Add Framework support...'.
  6. Select 'Pricefx' and click 'OK' to close the dialog.

This change should not have any impact on your team members either, since the .idea subfolder is usually set to be ignored by GIT.

This step is recommended to be performed after every upgrade of the plugin.

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