Option | Type | Default | Description |
| string |
| Defines output target for data in the exchange. It can be stored in the header, property or body. |
| string |
| Defines output target name for the target type header and property. Put here the name of exchange header and name of exchange property. |
| string |
| Defines connection to Pricefx. This is an optional parameter and if it is not mentioned, the connection is taken from the Spring bean named pricefx. |
| string |
| Define for which SKU the method should be executed. |
| integer | 30000 | Defines timeout for async evaluation (in milliseconds). |
| integer | 10000 | Defines retry period for async evaluation (in milliseconds). The job status will be checked at every defined timespan. |
The method takes data from the exchange body.
<from uri="sftp://michal@localhost:${sftpServer.getPort()}/mydir?password=michal&binary=true&move=.done&moveFailed=.error&doneFileName=product-image.done&useUserKnownHostsFile=false&readLock=changed"/>
<to uri="pfx-api:uploadProductImage?sku=100"/>
<to uri="mock:response"/>
IntegrationManager version 6.0.0