Upload Data from Database Storage to Pricefx

Upload Data from Database Storage to Pricefx

Once you have the data in database storage, you can read them and upload them to Pricefx. The data can be read from the database table or view (where you can combine several other views or tables to suitable format for Pricefx).

Step by Step

  1. Prepare the database connection as described in Configure Database Connection.

  2. Define a dbExport component bean:

    dbExport definition

    <pfx:dbExport id="loadCustomerAttributesFromDB" tableOrView="CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTES" sqlDialect="ORACLE" dataSource="oracleDataSource" batchSize="1000"> <pfx:dsLoad objectType="CX" businessKeys="name, customerId" mapper="customerAttributesMapper"/> </pfx:dbExport> <pfx:dbExport id="loadCustomersFromDB" tableOrView="IPT_CUSTOMERS" sqlDialect="ORACLE" dataSource="oracleDataSource" batchSize="1000"> <pfx:dsLoad objectType="C" businessKeys="customerId" mapper="customersMapper"/> </pfx:dbExport>


  3. Use the dbExport bean in your route:

    Route examples

    <route id="loadCustomerAttributesToPFX"> <from uri="direct:loadCustomerAttributesToPFX"/> <log message="Starting load of CUSTOMER ATTRIBUTES to PFX" loggingLevel="INFO"/> <to uri="direct:loadCustomerAttributesFromDB"/> <log message="Load of CUSTOMER ATTRIBUTES to PFX is DONE" loggingLevel="INFO"/> </route> <route id="loadCustomersToPFX"> <from uri="direct:loadCustomersToPFX"/> <log message="Starting load of ALL AVAILABLE CUSTOMER to PFX" loggingLevel="INFO"/> <to uri="direct:loadCustomersFromDB"/> <log message="Load of CUSTOMERS to PFX is DONE" loggingLevel="INFO"/> </route>

IntegrationManager version 5.8.0