Design Patterns (Integration)
The following content reflects the Pricefx design pattern best practices approach for inbound and outbound data integration processes.
Integration Choices by Tier
The following tables represent the different types of integration options available for Pricefx projects, use the following key to decipher who is performing these activities:
GREEN = Can be done by partners/customer
ORANGE= Unlikely to be done by partners/customers
RED = Cannot be done by partners/customers
GOLD STANDARD for Integration Projects:
Route Type | Frequency | Amount of Data | Near Realtime, Scheduled, and/or Big Data | Realtime/API (always small data) | Archiving |
Inbound |
| CSV files put in SFTP area, using IM Templates and .done files:
| Customer uses PriceFX Open API:
| only failed files |
Outbound |
| only failed files |
SILVER STANDARD for Integration Projects:
Route Type | Frequency | Amount of Data | Near Realtime, Scheduled, and/or Big Data | Realtime/API (always small data) | Archiving |
Inbound |
| CSV files put in SFTP area, with abnormal formatting and/or small changes to Integration Template code:
Non-CSV Integration Templates:
| Customer uses PriceFX Open API:
| only failed files |
Outbound |
| only failed files |
BRONZE STANDARD for Integration Projects:
Route Type | Frequency | Amount of Data | Near Realtime, Scheduled, and/or Big Data | Realtime/API (always small data) | Archiving |
| Non-template interfaces:
Heavily Modified Integration Template:
| Custom Endpoints: