Aggregation Pattern

Aggregation Pattern

The Aggregation data integration pattern is the act of taking or receiving data from multiple systems and consolidating them into one. For example, customer transaction data could reside in three different systems, and a data analyst would like to generate a report which uses data from all of them. One solution could be to create a daily migration process from each system to a data repository and then perform an aggregation query against that database. But, then we would need to maintain this aggregate structure and maintain its synchronizations.

An additional downside is that the data would be a snapshot that is a day old. Thus, for today’s real-time numbers, the analyst would have to manually initiate the migrations or wait another day. Or, they could set up three broadcast applications, where the aggregate database is always synchronized with the most recent changes in each of the systems. But, once again we would need to maintain this database which only stores replicated data so that it can be queried every so often.

This is the scenario that depicts the advantages of the aggregation pattern. It provides for an on-demand query across multiple systems, merges the data set, and provides for aggregation

Using this approach we can avoid having a separate database and you can have the report arrive in a format like .csv or the format of your choice. You can place the report in the location where reports are stored directly.

Value of Aggregation

The aggregation pattern derives its value from allowing you to extract and process data from multiple systems in one united application. The benefit is that the data is up to date at the time that you need it, does not get replicated, and can be processed or merged to produce the dataset you want.

Usefulness of Aggregation

The aggregation pattern is considerably valuable when we are creating orchestration APIs to “modernize” legacy systems. This is especially true when we are creating an API that extracts data from multiple systems and then merges that data into one response. Another use case is creating dashboards that extract data from multiple systems, aggregate its measures and create an interactive experience with that data.

Finally, we may have multiple systems used for compliance or auditing purposes that need to extract related data from multiple systems. The aggregation pattern is helpful in ensuring that your compliance data lives in one system but can be the amalgamation of relevant data from multiple systems. You can therefore reduce the amount of learning that needs to take place across the various systems to ensure you have visibility into what is going on.

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