Approve Documents

Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Approve Documents


When you have a document pending approval, you will: 

  • Find the document on the Home tab in My Pending Approvals.
    If you have no pending approvals, this section is not present on the Home tab.
  • Receive an email notification about the required approval.
    If you have the option 'Receive WF Emails' in the User Admin section unchecked, there is no email notification, but you will still find the document on the Home tab.

Approvals in Application

To approve a document in Pricefx:

  1. In My Pending Approvals on the Home tab open the given document by clicking the  icon. The detailed view of the document opens.
  2. Click the View Workflow button at the top.
  3. In the Workflow window you will see all of the steps belonging to the approval workflow and their name, assigned approvers, status etc.
    The step which requires your approval is marked blue. If there are any comments added, the Comment section of the given step is expanded; to collapse it, click the icon in the second column.  
  4. Before you perform the approval/denial, you can add another approval/watcher step. For details see Manage Approver/Watcher Steps.
  5. Click the Approve  or Deny  icon at the bottom.
    With the denial you may have to select a denial reason or the workflow step to which the workflow returns (provided that these features are configured).

Approvals by Email

Documents can also be approved via emails which the approvers receive during the execution of the workflow. The email message for the approver contains URL links which can be used to approve/deny the document directly from the email. The link in the email body takes the user to a page with a text box for a comment and an Approve or Deny button. Comments can be made mandatory by the .withMandatoryComments method.

(warning) UTF8-mb4 “characters” such as emojis are not supported in submitter comments.


Whoever submitted a document can also withdraw it from the approval workflow. Then the document's workflow is terminated. If you want to send it for approval again, you need to re-submit it (and have a new workflow generated).

The Withdraw  action is available after you click View Workflow in a document in the Submitted state. It is available only to the document submitter or Workflow Admin. 

My Assigned Workflows

If you want to see all of the active workflows where you were involved, click User Profile at the top and select Workflows.

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