How to Create Box Plot Chart

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How to Create Box Plot Chart

Aim of this articleExplains how to a Box Plot chart which allows you to display differences between populations/groups of data without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution.
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  1. Go to Analytics > Data Analyzer > Box plot
  2. Enter the name of the data series in the Label field.
  3. Choose the data source from the Datamart drop-down list. If there is only one Datamart defined, this one will already be selected.

  4. (Optional) Enter a Currency. If not specified, the currency that has been selected as default when setting up the system will be used.

  5. You can set up the Generic filter (all dimensions, dates and values):
    1. Click the Create filter link, a new window will open.
    2. Specify the filter criteria. All fields defined in the Schema Editor can be used. Click OK to activate the filter.
      (To deactivate the filter, click Edit filter and Reset. This deletes all filter criteria.)
      (warning) Click the Refresh  icon at the bottom left on the Data Rows tab to activate the filter after any changes to the filter criteria.
  6. Set up filtering on master data if needed:
    • Product filter allows you to filter by all attributes from the product master data.
    • Customer filter allows you to filter by all attributes from the customer master data. Only the filtered data will be used in the analysis.

  7. You can set up a Dim filter:
    1. Select the filter dimension from the drop-down list.
    2. Click the Add  icon to add the filter. You can add up to twelve Dim filters.
  8. Define the X Axis and Y Axis. Select the appropriate measurement for the axis X and axis Y from the drop-down list.
  9. Define the Whisker:
    • No Whiskers – Shows only the box.
    • Min-Max – Lower whisker shows the minimum of all data, upper whisker shows the maximum.
    • 10-90th – 01-99th – Lower whisker shows the first percentile of the pair (e.g., the 10th percentile), upper whisker shows the latter percentile (e.g., the 90th percentile).
    • 02-09th – 91-98th – The lower whisker will show the second percentile, the upper one the 98th percentile. Apart from these two percentiles, the chart will also show two extra percentiles (the 9th and 91st) as two dots.
    • Outlier 1.5xIQR – IQR is a range between the 25th and 75th percentiles. The lower whisker shows the lowest datum still within 1.5 IQR of the lower quartile (25th percentile - 1.5xIQR = lower inner fence). The upper whisker shows the highest datum still within 1.5 IQR of the upper quartile (75th percentile + 1.5xIQR = upper inner fence). All values below lower OUTER fence or above upper OUTER fence are treated as, so called, outliers and plotted as filled dots. All values below lower INNER fence or above upper INNER fence are treated as, so called, suspected outliers and plotted as dots.
    • Outlier 3xIQR – IQR is a range between the 25th and 75th percentiles. The lower whisker shows the lowest datum still within 3 IQR of the lower quartile (25th percentile - 3xIQR = lower outer fence). The upper whisker shows the highest datum still within 3 IQR of the upper quartile (75th percentile + 3xIQR = upper outer fence). All values below lower outer fence or above upper outer fence are treated as so called outliers and plotted as filled dots.
  10. Define Sort By according to the axis X (alphabetically) or the axis Y (by measurement). Click the Ascending  icon to select whether the values will be sorted in ascending or descending order.

  11. Determine the data formatting and labels:
    • You can change the label and the format by clicking the Dictionary  icon (see Date, Time and Number Formatting).
    • If a text is entered in the Label field, then this label will be shown. Otherwise the default value will be used.
  12. (Optional) You can define additional Box plot:
    1. Click the Add  icon to add a new Box plot.
    2. Select a Measure and Expression from the drop-down list.
    3. You can optionally show the measured value on the axis Z by checking the Z checkbox. This is necessary when the scale of the data of the different measurements on the Y-axis differ (e.g., cash value and percentage).
    4. Repeat the process until you have defined all additional readings (bars, lines or splines).
  13. (Optional) Click the Add Data Series  icon at the top of the Series 1 tab (details) in order to compare with other data series. There is no limit to the number of series that can be compared.

  14. Click the Refresh  icon to update the chart.

  15. (Optional) Create an Aggregation filter that allows you to filter the Datamart query results, i.e., to determine, which values will be shown in the chart.
  16. If you want to add a metric from a different data source, click the Add  icon at the top of the Series 1 tab (details).

  17. You can print or download the chart as image (*.png, .jpeg), document (.pdf) or vector image (*.svg) by clicking the Context  icon at the top right.

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