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How to Configure Delete Confirmation Dialog

Aim of this articleFor delete and mass delete actions, it is possible to enable a safer 'Confirm delete' dialog with an extra check-box where users confirm the deletion of a given number of items. This way users confirm twice that they really want to delete the items and thus the risk of an error is reduced.
Related sectionsAdvanced Configuration Options (Reference Manual)



  1. Go to Configuration > All ModulesAdvanced Configuration Options.
  2. Set the advancedDeleteConfirmationDialogThreshold option to a value which represents the threshold, i.e. minimum number of items which should trigger this more secure delete confirmation. 
    • If the option is set to 1 or more, this more secure delete confirmation is displayed.
    • If not set or set to 0 or does not exist, the simple delete confirmation (without the check-box) is displayed.
  3. Save the changes.

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