Customer Query Definition

Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Customer Query Definition

In this section you can define what customer related data from Analytics could be displayed in Product Detail View (which is available from Price Lists, LPGs etc.).

The data (displayed as a data table or portlet) is shaped by the Customer context and it is automatically filtered based on Customer ID. Therefore, no Customer ID filter should be part of the Customer Query Definition.

The data for the query must be related to the Customer Data Source and the Analytics to Price Setting Mapping must be set up.

To set up a new query:

  1. Click the Add  icon
  2. Enter a Label.
  3. Select a Source for the query. 
  4. Select a Currency (if multiple currencies have to be set up).
    Currency depends on the Source, thus Source must be selected first. 

  5. Optionally, set a filter (for details see Filter Records).
  6. Select the data from Field Picker on the right and drag-and-drop it into Projections.
  7. Optionally, change the Label of the field.
  8. Optionally, change the Aggregation type. By default, Sum is used.
    You can add the same data and use a different aggregation type for it.

  9. Check the row order. If needed, select a line and drag-and-drop it to the right place.
  10. Click the Save  icon at the bottom right to save the row order.
  11. Click the Save All  icon at the bottom left to save all changes.

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