Manual Price Lists

Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Manual Price Lists

A manual price list is similar to a table in Excel where you maintain your product prices manually. In addition, you can add a calculation logic to it, which will help you to calculate the values of certain columns according to the required business rules. You can also keep there any supporting columns you wish (e.g. Product Category, Classification, Profit, Revenue, etc.).

A manual price list:

  • Is a collection of products with manually assigned prices.
  • Is not connected to a pricing logic. However, a pricing logic can refer to a manual price list.
  • Can be assigned to one or more customers.

The following actions are available:

  • Add a new manual price list 
    • Enter a 'Name', 'Valid After' date and 'Status'. When the status is "Simulation Only", Simulation Set can be specified. By setting a value in the 'User Group (Edit)' and 'User Group (View Details)' columns, the access to the manual price lists can be restricted to certain user groups. Optionally you can link the manual price lists with a Calculated Field Set and automatically calculate fields in the manual price list.
  • Edit a manual price list
    • If it is a new price list, you will need to add products first. Click the 'Add' icon and select the list of products from the product master. You can use the simple or advanced filter.
    • By right-clicking the header area of the list (any column), select 'Columns' and add an attribute column to the view. Any column can be renamed and used to display the price.
    • The price can be set manually. Multiple columns can be used to indicate multiple prices or other attributes.
    • To edit all products in a (filtered) view, click the 'Mass Edit' icon (for details see Mass Edit).


  • The Last Updated By and Created By columns in the grid show the name of the user who last updated / created the Price List. However, if the user name changes, the existing records will still show the old user name.
  • Changing individual line items in the Price List will not update the Last Updated By column value in the Manual Price Lists (header) table.

For a description of other standard options, see Price List Edit Options.

(tick) To modify/add the manual price list data, you can also use the Excel Client.

Update Manual Price List Using a Calculation Logic

You can connect a Manual Price List to a generic logic via a /wiki/spaces/UDEV/pages/1932132706 to enrich its columns.

  1. Create a CFS and give it a name, e.g. “CFS_ManualPriceList”.
  2. The Source Type and the Destination Type will be your Manual Price List.
  3. On the Calculation Setup tab, select the calculation logic you have created previously (it can be a generic logic). Each element can be added as one column to MPL, the same way as for standard Price Lists.
  4. Rename columns in the MPL to the match the names of the elements in your (generic) logic. For example: Your logic CFSforMPL has an element called “Cost”. Then there must be a column in the MPS called “Cost” to map the value.
  5. Configure a Calculation Flow to schedule the calculation.

Trigger MPL Calculation from Calculation Flows

If you use Calculation Flows to schedule and run the calculation of manual price lists, there are the following options:

  • Calculate all currently valid manual price lists:

  • Calculate manual price lists valid in the future:

    		.setValidFrom(new Date()+ 30 /*days */)

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