Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.
Collins 5.1.0 PR
This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the Pricefx patch release version.
Version | Collins 5.1.0 PR |
Build Id (UI) | 7395 |
Build revision UI (first 8 characters) | 5677e6c3 |
Build Id (SRV) | 7400 |
Build revision SRV (first 8 characters) | 5677e6c3 |
Release date | May 24, 2020 |
In this document:
Supported Browsers
Pricefx can run in the following browsers:
Chrome 80+ (Windows/MacOS/Linux/ChromeOS)
Firefox ESR 68+ / Firefox 74+ (Windows/MacOS/Linux)
Safari 13.1+ (MacOs)
MS Edge 80+ (Windows)
For best results we recommend setting your browser zoom to 100%. With a different zoom setting, you might experience issues with displaying some parts of the page content.
Other Supported Components
Java used for the server
OpenJDK 11
Highcharts and Highmaps used in charts/dashboards
Version 8.0.0
Excel Client, used with Pricefx, has the following requirements:
MS Office 2013 or higher on Windows
Versions down to MS Office 2007 are expected to work as well but Pricefx does not fix issues related solely to these older versions..NET Framework 4.5 or higher (due to increased security requirements)
The 1904 date system is not supported by Pricefx when uploading data from Microsoft Excel.
Support for the Oracle database will be ended with the Vesper 6.0 release (Q4 2020).
Supported Languages
To see in which languages the application UI is available, visit Localization.
PriceAnalyzer Improvements
New Feature Description | ID |
PA Rollups: In the Measures panel, it is possible to set number formatting for numeric fields. | PFCD-4150 |
It is now possible to run validation script after a refresh of Datamart to validate the loaded dataset. Typical use-case is to check if there are all needed data (e.g, UoMs or exchange rates) in the Datamart. | PFCD-6191 |
PriceBuilder Improvements
New Feature Description | ID |
When you recalculate a quote you can measure now how long the related backend actions took (such as quote or line item header logic exection in prePhase or postPhase). It can be found in the API call in a response in data field of the calculation endpoint. | PFCD-6304 |
You can disable scanning and using formulas defined on product level in Price Lists, LPGs, Simulations. If you do not set logics on product level, using this setting will help improve the performance. Add the doNotUsePerProductFormulasInLists property to Advanced Configuration Options and set its value to true. | PFCD-6482 |
With a special configuration, it is now possible to download a price list with matrix objects to the XLS format. | PFCD-6610 |
QuoteConfigurator Improvements
New Feature Description | ID |
Quote mass update: It is now possible to pass values between the header update logic and the line item update logic. | PFCD-6453 |
PriceOptimizer Improvements
New Feature Description | ID |
In PriceOptimizer, params and attachments are now included in the model export. Import has been implemented too. | PFCD-6431 |
Excel Improvements
New Feature Description | ID |
A warning message informing that Data Sources cannot be edited in Excel Client is displayed when a Data Source is loaded into the client. | PFCD-6466 |
Backend Improvements
New Feature Description | ID |
There is a new convenient way to configure the inputs: using a new method in Public Groovy API api.inputBuilder() which returns an InputBuilder class allowing to create a specific input. | PFCD-6433 |
Price Records (type code PR) has been whitelisted. | PFCD-6467 |
Allocation to Datamart now works besides Rebate Records for also for other objects, such as Quotes, Contracts, Price Lists, Price Parameters, etc. Use the emitDMScopedObject API method in the PA calculation logic. | PFCD-6485 |
Fixed Issues
PriceBuilder Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
It is not possible to select default preferences in PL/LPG types once the PL ID exceeds the maximum integer value. | PFCD-6386 |
When you filter records in a table using a quick filter on a date column, invoke the mass edit dialog, specify a column to be updated and confirm, no row gets updated. | PFCD-6425 |
When you copy an element, it can happen that its name contains a space (which is not allowed when creating a new element from scratch). | PFCD-6435 |
When you update a PP table (e.g. attribute1) from the UI, lastUpdateByName is your login. When you update the PP table via a CFS, lastUpdateByName is null and lastUpdateBy is still your login ID. | PFCD-6476 |
PX and CX metadata are not deleted from the database even if the PX/CX is deleted (in the UI). | PFCD-6542 |
When you copy a Price Parameters table, the table is created but not as a full copy. | PFCD-6561 |
PriceAnalyzer Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
When you have a Scatter chart with one series and a line, make the Label for Series 1 empty and render the chart, it will say "Series 2" at the top, even when there is no second series. | PFCD-3337 |
The text fields are loaded with decimal positions, even though they do not have any in the Excel source. When you change the cell format in the source Excel from general to text, it does not help. | PFCD-6255 |
When you view data in a Data Table, the formatting is correct but when you import the data to a Dashboard, some fields display in an incorrect format. | PFCD-6355 |
Refresh Data Loads may fail for a Datamart which pulls fields from a View Data Source. | PFCD-6446 |
When you load a Bar&Line chart from a saved configuration, the popup menu remains open after selecting this chart. | PFCD-6447 |
Data Source / Datamart Deploy shows the compare window even if there are validation issues. | PFCD-6470 |
In charts the Drilldown filter is set before the user even selects a dimension. | PFCD-6496 |
When you set up a Data Load with a scheduled job, take its code from Import&Export and paste it to a newly created Data Load, you get an error. | PFCD-6507 |
In PriceAnalyzer UI, field level validation errors are sometimes missing. | PFCD-6523 |
All database threads are exhausted because of Greenplum database deadlock. | PFCD-6526 |
In Greenplum, when a FLUSH Data Load is interrupted, rows are deleted in the Data Source. | PFCD-6550 |
When uploading data with long numbers (data type = Number) from Excel to a Data Source, in Pricefx it is displayed in the Scientific mode (1.23E10). | PFCD-6618 |
InternalCopy Data Load has an incorrect incLoadDate. | PFCD-6626 |
Several api.options dashboard filters display incorrectly in the Edge browser. | PFCD-6627 |
QuoteConfigurator Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
In a Quote, when you switch to the Table view, maximize the Overview pane, run a filter which returns no rows and minimize or restore the popup Overview window, the Overview pane disappears. | PFCD-6372 |
When uploading any macro-enabled Excel files as an attachment for a quote, the upload is successful but when downloading the attachment, you get an error "file format or file extension is not valid". | PFCD-6462 |
When you export a quote to Excel, the exported output has a wrong media type: Unrecognized content type 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument'. | PFCD-6529 |
In Quote mass update, a quote is not created when there is a critical alert caused by a line update logic change, even though the application says it was created successfully. | PFCD-6537 |
RebateManager Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
When you click a deep link to a specific Rebate Record, you get switched to the default (the first RR) after the application loads. | PFCD-6591 |
ChannelManager Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
For claims it is not possible to remove quote/contract logic in the Configuration. | PFCD-6006 |
Workflow Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
The action runDefaultPostStepLogicOnEmptyWorkflow is not executed on a workflow with just watcher steps. | PFCD-6422 |
Excel Client Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
Excel Client shows data in a dropdown in an incorrect format. | PFCD-6373 |
When you open Price Parameters in Excel Client, add one item, change another and update the server, the added item is saved but the change is discarded. | PFCD-6432 |
In Excel Client, when you fetch an empty set in DCR, you get an error. | PFCD-6520 |
Backend Fixed Issues
Bug Description | ID |
When you configure archiving of data older than a specific number of months and save the configuration, the fixed date is stored instead. | PFCD-6366 |
When you type a value in an advanced filter (and have advancedFilterComboboxDisableAutosuggest set to true) and open a dropdown to see a list of possible values, two requests are sent to the server within few microseconds with a bit different payload. | PFCD-6391 |
When you download the Full Log, a .LOG file is downloaded instead of a .ZIP file, so the data are unreadable. After you rename the file to ZIP, it works fine. | PFCD-6404 |
api.find() and throw an exception when is used on the "Long" type field. | PFCD-6468 |
api.getDatamartContext().calendar() has issues with certain dates (1st Feb, 29th Feb, 1st March in 2020), probably due to a leap year. | PFCD-6495 |
FormatFieldType MONEY is limited to Integer which is not sufficient in some cases. | PFCD-6511 |
Publishing Templates have the isConvertibleToInputType option set to false instead of true. | PFCD-6574 |
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