Set Up Publishing Templates

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Set Up Publishing Templates

The Publishing Templates section in Configuration has two parts: 

Document Publishing Templates

To set up a template:

  1. Select one of the supported objects for which to define a template. 
    (tick) For each object, you can define multiple templates. When you click the Download Excel, Download Word or Download PDF icon below a data table, and if there is more than one template for the object, you will be prompted to select the template that you want to use.
  2. Click the New button under the table to create the template entry. 
  3. Provide a name for the template and set those options which are configurable:
    1. Default – Indicates the template, which will be used if no template is specified for export (this can happen if you use the executeformula command). Even though you can select multiple default templates, selecting only one for each format makes sense.
    2. Convertible to PDF – Marks the template as suitable for PDF export and makes it available in the PDF export template dropdown menu.
    3. To Sign – Available for Quotes, Rebate Agreements and Agreements/Promotions. Marks the template as intended for export to an e-signature system.
    4. Preprocessing Logic – Calculation logic that prepares data for the Word template. Intended for export to PDF.
  4. Click the Upload Template button and provide your Excel/Word file.

For guidance with the next step see:

On the server, it is possible to select what export format can be used for a specific publishing template, so that users can download only PDF documents (and not DOC/XLS documents). To set it up, use the attribute isConvertibleToInputType. When you set its value to true for an individual publishing template, it means that this template allows you to export to PDF, as well as to the original input type (i.e. DOC or XLS).

Logic Publishing Templates

You can define your own Excel template and use it for a logic when its output format is XLS. The logic results are then generated into a copy of the template. Without a template, the logic would be produced into a plain empty XLS file.

Simple results are in the main data sheet as name/value; more complex results (e.g., list of maps or resultMatrix) are in their own sheet.

Requirements for Publishing Templates

  • The uploaded Excel files must be in the XLSX or XLSM format, Word files in the DOCX format.
  • The version required to open and create XLSX or XLSM file type is Excel 2007 (or later).
  • The maximum file size is 10 MB.
  • Excel templates can have as many tabs as needed.
  • Excel templates can (and likely will) contain some macros. Templates that should be convertible to PDF cannot contain macros.
  • It is advisable to store a backup of the default template versions.
  • The publishing template name must not have more than 1000 characters.

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