Analytics General Settings

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Analytics General Settings

For the Analytics module you can set these options:

  • Load content of data grids automatically – If disabled, data grids in Analytics (Data Feeds, Data Sources, Datamart and Simulations) are not populated with data automatically after you open them but only after you click the Refresh  icon. This is useful for projects with large amounts of data. In the data grid you can set a filter first and then you load only a subset of the data and the whole operation can be much faster.

  • Enable DM query optimization relying on daily currency conversion rates – Allows you to increase the speed of queries on a Datamart with a Currency Data Source with daily rates. The key assumption is that there are conversion rates for each currency pair on each and every day (with no gaps).

  • Filter dropdowns for DM fields are populated from the underlying DS – If enabled, filter dropdown queries on dimension fields in a Datamart are quicker because they are delegated to the underlying Data Source. Note the following:

    • The dropdown could show more values than actually are in the Datamart (e.g. when filtering on ProductName from the Product DS and this DS has more products than are in the Datamart). 

    • In return, the query should be much quicker when it involves a field in a secondary DS. When it is a field in the primary DS (e.g. Transactions DS for Transactions DM), it will still be quicker but not much. In this case it is recommended to add a secondary DS to hold the dimension data.

      • For example, Transactions Datamart has an OrderType field, sourced from the Transactions Data Source. Add an OrderType Data Source with fields 'OrderType' and 'OrderTypeName' (only the name of the 1st field is important). Load the OrderType data in it. Add the OrderTypeName field to the Datamart, so that the Data Source becomes a secondary source to the Datamart. Now the filter on the Datamart's OrderType field will take advantage of the Data Source and the query will be much quicker.

    • This option is enabled by default. Disable it if you want to see only values from Datamart in the dropdown.

  • Enable full access to DM data for user with no group – If enabled, data in Data Sources with set data entitlements are visible also to users who are not members of any of the entitled user group.
    (warning) After setting this option, you need to invalidate all relevant Analytics DS/DM query caches to allow this option to take effect.

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