ToDo Admin

Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


ToDo Admin

In the ToDo Admin section you can create and edit tasks, which will be displayed at the home page in My ToDo List of the assigned users.

To set up a new ToDo item:

  1. Go to EventsToDo Admin.

  2. Click the Add 


  3. Enter a Description and assign this task to a user or user group. These two fields are required.

  4. Enter a Due Date.

  5. Enter an Item and select a Target Page. In My ToDo List on the home page, only Item is displayed and works as a link to the page defined as the Target Page. For example, in Item you enter the ID of the price list that you want the assignee to work on and in Target Page, you select 'Price Lists' because that is the page where the price list resides.

The Status shows the current status of the task (Open, Done, Cancelled) and it depends on the action that the assigned user chooses for the task in My ToDo List.

Complete Date is filled only after the assignee completes the task.

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