Calculation Engines
Calculation Engines provide plug-in/plug-out methods for price calculation which can be used in Price Setting Package and other projects as a standalone library.
Any given engine can be passed a simple Price Parameter (type MATRIX) with keys and values as specified in the Additional Configuration column in detailed documentation of the engine.
All available strategies are configured using the StrategyDefinition Price Parameter. For more details see Other Configs and documentation for each engine in subsequent sections. For additional documentation on the calculation engine, see Calculation Engine Library.
Here is a short explanation of how the engines work and what they can be used for:
Engine Name | Functionality | Sample Supported Strategies |
Takes one price as a base and applies a factor to it. |
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Calculates prices based on the price of another SKU. Note: This engine is deprecated. |
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Calculates prices based on the price of another SKU and current SKU’s attributes impact value. |
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Calculates prices according to existing competition prices. |
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Calculates prices of a kit based on subcomponent prices. |
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Looks up prices from an existing table. |
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Calculates a gross price of a product, based on a specific "pocket price" and discounts. The pocket price is always looked up using the LookupEngine. |
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Any custom library method can be used as an engine as long as it takes proper parameters and returns a proper result. |
Currently, with our standard out-of-the-box configuration, the package comes preconfigured with the following strategies:
Minimum Competition Based Price
Average Competition Based Price
Maximum Competition Based Price
Recommended Retail Price
Cost Plus
Price Increase
Kit Pricing
Anchor Pricing