Order of Prices in Dependent Price List/Grid

Order of Prices in Dependent Price List/Grid

Dependent price lists/grids provide not only prices calculated for the dependent level, but also from the parent level. So you need to configure the order/priority of the prices available in the Prices field.

The order of the calculated prices is based on the following:

  1. PP PricingExceptions – Can specify:

    1. Specific price for a specific product for a certain Pricing Level.

    2. Pricing strategy override – Which strategy will be used for calculation.

  2. PP StrategySelection, field Prioritize Parent Level Price.

  3. PP StrategyConditions – Some prices can be ignored or taken with lower priority.

  4. PP StrategyDefinition

    1. field ParentLevelPriority

    2. field ParentLevelOnly – If this parent strategy could be copied and adjusted to the dependent price list. This setting is for the Parent strategy only.


Explanation of the calculated prices priority/order in Dependent price lists/grids