Technical User Reference (Optimization - Negotiation Guidance)
This section details the ModelClass and the logics that the Negotiation Guidance Accelerator deploys. For each step, its aim, outputs, and the main reasons to modify the logics are explained.
In this section:
Negotiation Guidance Model Class
The Negotiation Guidance V2 (NG2) ModelClass organizes a list of logics to create the model architecture. It is a JSON file that refers to some logics and it is transformed into an optimized UI in the Pricefx platform. See Model Classes for more information.
The general architecture of the Negotiation Guidance Model Class is:
It defines five steps:
Definition – Sets the scope of the transactions.
Analysis – Analyzes the data in the scope and set the price drivers parameters.
Configuration – Sets the parameters for the segmentation.
Segmentation – Checks the segmentation and sets the parameters for the optimization.
Results – Looks at the outputs of the negotiation guidance in a user-friendly way.
There are two types of logics: calculation
, which writes tables in the model, and evaluation
, whose purpose is only to display some results. The standard Model Class definition is documented in Model Class (MC).
All the logics of the NG2 Accelerator follow a standard naming convention: first NG2_ prefix, then the order and the first letters of the step name, then Calc or Eval, depending on the formula nature, then the name of the tab. An evaluation logic may also need a corresponding configurator to take user inputs; it is defined in a logic of the same name, suffixed with Configurator. The logic to render a node from a segmentation tree is slightly different from the others, it is named NG2_NodeEval_TreeView. In the end, there is a library logic named NG2_Lib.
The logic is NG2_Lib.
Definition Step
There is no calculation logic in this step, and there is one tab with related evaluation logics: NG2_1_Def_Eval_Selection and NG2_1_Def_Eval_Selection_Configurator.
Analysis Step
The calculation logic is NG2_2_Ana_Calc_DataPrep and there are two tabs with related evaluation logics: Data Profile and Price Drivers Setup. In this step, the data are materialized inside the model, an analysis is displayed, and the user is able to select the price drivers to calculate.
Calculation: DataPrep
The logic is NG2_2_Ana_Calc_DataPrep.
Data Profile Tab
The logic is NG2_2_Ana_Eval_Profile.
Price Drivers Setup Tab
The logic is NG2_2_Ana_Eval_Price_Drivers_Setup_Configurator.
Configuration Step
The calculation logic is NG2_3_Con_Calc_PriceDrivers and there is one tab with related evaluation logic.
Calculation: PriceDrivers
The logic is NG2_3_Con_Calc_PriceDrivers.
Setup Tab
The logic are NG2_3_Con_Eval_Setup and NG2_3_Con_Eval_Setup_Configurator.
Segmentation Step
The calculation logics are NG2_4_Seg_Calc_Segmentation and NG2_4_Seg_Calc_PriceGaps, and there are five tabs with related evaluation logics: Tree View, Indicators, Price Gaps, Selection Alignments, and Optimization Setup.
Calculation: Segmentation
The logic is NG2_4_Seg_Calc_Segmentation.
Calculation: Price Gaps
The logic is NG2_4_Seg_Calc_PriceGaps.
Tree View Tab
The logic is NG2_NodeEval_TreeView.
Indicators Tab
The logic is NG2_4_Seg_Eval_Indicators.
Price Gaps tab
The logics are NG2_4_Seg_Eval_Price_Gaps_Review and NG2_4_Seg_Eval_Price_Gaps_Review_Configurator.
Selection Alignments tab
The logic is NG2_4_Seg_Eval_Selection_Alignments_Configurator.
Optimization Setup Tab
The logic is NG2_4_Seg_Eval_Optimization_Setup_Configurator.
Results Step
The calculation is the sequence composed of the Segment Alignment, the Alignment Postprocessing, the Optimization, and the Impact calculations logic, and there are four tabs with related evaluation logics: Impact, Tree View, Recommendations, and Evaluation.
Calculation: Segment Alignment
The logic is NG2_5_Res_Calc_Alignment.
Calculation: Alignment Postprocessing
The logic is NG2_Res_Calc_Alignment_Postprocessing.
Calculation: Optimization
The logic is NG2_5_Seg_Calc_Optimization.
Calculation: Impact
The logic is NG2_5_Res_Calc_Impact.
Impact Tab
The logics are NG2_5_Res_Eval_Impact and NG2_5_Res_Eval_Impact_Configurator.
Tree View Tab
The logic is NG2_NodeEval_TreeView. It is exactly the one used in, please refer to this section. It uses the same data but also some new fields, calculated by the NG2_5_Seg_Calc_Optimization calculation.
Recommendations Tab
The logic is NG2_5_Res_Eval_Recommendations.
Evaluation Tab
The logic is NG2_5_Res_Eval_Evaluation.
Alignment Review tab
The logics are NG2_5_Res_Eval_Alignment and NG2_5_Res_Eval_Alignment_Configurator.
Glassbox Tab
The logic is NG2_5_Res_Eval_Alg_Glassbox.
The model has three evaluations: meta
, query_segment
, and batch_query
. For more details about model evaluations see Query Optimization Engine Results | Using the Evaluator.
Meta Evaluation
The logic is NG2_5_Res_Eval_Meta.
Query Segment Evaluation
This is based on the logic NG2_5_Res_Eval_Evaluation and is detailed in the paragraph
Batch Evaluation
The logic is NG2_5_Res_Eval_Batch.