PSP Condition Records Module

PSP Condition Records Module

The Condition Records module creates Condition Records, a generic price data storage that can be easily exported to an external ERP system.

The module generates two types of Condition Records: for net price calculation and for gross price calculation.

If the Condition Records module is turned on, two things will happen:

  • Two overridable columns will appear in PSP Price Lists / Live price Grids. These columns will contain the validity range for Condition Records (ValidFrom and ValidTo).

  • When creating a Price List / LPG, the configurator wizard will ask what the default value for the above columns should be.

Approval workflow package will be deployed together with Price Setting Package. Approval workflow package needs to be configured to run the PSP_ConditionRecordCreation logic which will generate ConditionRecords on Price List / LPG approval.

See Condition Records for more details on this feature.