Margin Alert Lookup
All default values are empty.
Critical Threshold
High Threshold
Medium Threshold
It is the value of Margin Alerts thresholds in percent for the Price Checks module. The Margin Flag
element in the PL/PG has the values Critical, High, or Medium, depending on what margin falls into what range. For Critical and High ranges, it will color the row in red. For the Medium range, it will color the row in yellow.
The checking order is: critical threshold => high threshold => medium threshold (too small margin => small margin => medium margin). It is not in data order (not from the smallest to biggest or vice versa).
Example: Given medium threshold = 45, high threshold = 100, critical threshold = 20, margin = 38.89, the checking process will be:
38.89 <= critical (20)? No
38.89 <= high (100)? Yes
Therefore, the margin falls into the high range.