Configure or Add Data Lookup

Configure or Add Data Lookup

Data Lookups are managed using the ConfigurableLookups feature. Lookups are defined by configurations either placed in the LookupConfiguration Company Parameter or directly in the code. For adding a new Configurable Lookup, refer to the page linked above. For changing an existing Configurable Lookup, you have the following approaches:

  • Product Competition or StrategyConditions – These lookup definitions are described in Groovy code. To modify them, search for the libs.ConfigurableLookupsLib.LookupInstanceFromPP.prepareConfiguredLookup function with the parameters “ProductCompetition” and “StrategyConditions.”

    • Be aware that these are placed in Groovy because changing the configuration will break related wizards.

    • Remember that Groovy configurations take priority over Company Parameter configurations. You can adjust every lookup in Groovy, or you can move the ProductCompetition and StrategyConditions configurations to the Company Parameter by deleting the Groovy config.

  • Modify lookups in PSP Wizards – This option is more limited than changing the Company Parameter itself. Currently, the UI supports all use cases that were possible before PSP v2.3.0 (pre-Configurable Lookups).

  • Modify Company Parameter LookupConfiguration – To learn more about LookupConfiguration, refer to the link above. Note that all custom changes made to LookupConfiguration might be “fixed” by a wizard that targets the same table.