Select Pricing Strategies used for Calculation of Prices

Select Pricing Strategies used for Calculation of Prices

To determine which strategy applies to a given part of the business (depending on the Pricing Level and Product Segment), use tables named “*BaseStrategySelection” and “*StrategySelection”.

Example of BaseStrategySelection tables, with one common and several specific tables for Pricing Level
Example of StrategySelection tables, with one common and several specific tables for Pricing Level


  1. Select which tables you want to modify – the “Base” one or the standard one. The difference is that Base strategies appear before the standard strategies. However, if they fail, they are removed from “Prices” field in the price list/grid.

  2. Select for which Pricing Level you want to set up the strategy – if for the common level or for a specific level of the Pricing Level hierarchy. Modify the table for that Pricing Level.
    On an existing project, it could happen that some of the tables were not used, so the admin deleted them. If you want to create a missing one, make it as a copy of an existing (and actively used) “*StrategySelection“ table.

  3. Add/modify records in the “*StrategySelection” table for a specific combination of the ProductSegment for which you want to use your pricing strategy.

  4. Set up the Pricing Strategy.

    • For specific Product Segment combination or on “star” level (any value of that attribute).

    • As first, second, etc. for the Product Segment. The accelerator will first try to calculate the price using the #1 strategy, and if it fails (e.g. when data are not available), it will try #2, etc.

Note: Pricing strategies are defined in the Company Parameter table StrategyDefinition, so you can also find their names there.