Other Utilities

All the integration flows from this page have to be deployed.

Convert JSON Array to XML

While Pricefx Adapter accepts and returns only JSON format, SAP OData adapter accepts and returns XML and most of the built-in SAP IS actions (such as Gather or Split) only work with XML. This utility helps you convert JSON array returned from Pricefx Adapter to XML for further processing.


  1. Transaction handling

Convert XML to JSON Array

While Pricefx Adapter accepts and returns only JSON format, SAP OData adapter accepts and returns XML and most of the built-in SAP IS actions (such as Gather or Split) only work with XML. This utility helps you convert XML to JSON array accepted by Pricefx Adapter.


  1. Transaction handling

Common Groovy Library for SAP S/4HANA Integration with Pricefx

This script package contains Groovy scripts used in other integration flows.

Get AIR Key from Pricefx

This integration flow retrieves Application Interface Register (AIR) from Pricefx. It is SAP requirement to append AIR of partner application to the header in any communications with SAP S/4HANA. This property is defined in Advanced Configuration Options in Pricefx. Define the Advanced Configuration Options as shown below:

The value of SAP API Key is r4h8psk9.


  1. Transaction handling

  2. Pricefx partition and connection properties

  3. Name of the Advanced Configuration Option of the AIR

Send Log to Email

This integration flow forwards the incoming message to the email adapter.


  1. Email connection properties