Fetch (SAP IS Adapter)

This operation allows users to fetch records based on a filter.

  1. Configure the exchange property in Content Modifier:

    • pageSize – Maximum number of records retrieved in one Get operation. The default is 500. It can be overridden to a value smaller than 500.

    • pageNumber – Number of results pages retrieved in one Get operation. The default is 1.

    • access-token – The token can be retrieved from the global variable set by a separate token store integration flow. See Authentication (SAP IS Adapter).


  2. Configure the message body in Content Modifier. The full JSON schema can be found in the “Sample Artifacts for SAP S/4HANA Integration with Pricefx” integration package from SAP API Business Hub. See .

    Sample Fetch Request
    { "data": { "operator": "and", "criteria": [ { "fieldName": "customerId", "operator": "equals", "value": "0001" } ] }, "sortBy": [ "customerId" ], "resultFields": [ "customerId","name" ] }
  3. In the Adapter configuration, select operation and target type.


  4. For Product Extensions, Customer Extensions, Data Source, Datamart and Data Feeds, specify the name of the table as well.


  5. For Price Parameters, specify the name of the table and Target Date as well.

Supported Filters

See Appendix: Supported Operators in Criteria.

Response Message

The full JSON schema can be found in the “Sample Artifacts for SAP S/4HANA Integration with Pricefx” integration package from SAP API Business Hub. See .