Hierarchical Lookups

Configuration Of Bootstrapping

Configuration tables for Hierarchical Lookups are created dynamically by bootstrapping. Bootstrapping receives 4 inputs:

  • There is 1-6 hierarchical attributes configured for any lookup in https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACC/pages/4998696933. These are the keys of newly created Price Parameters. Hierarchical lookups are configs not intended to be configured for a product, but for a group of products. However, the decision how to split products into groups is up to the user. Splitting products per SKU into 1-element group will work just fine.

  • There are 13 features to be configured and one general fallback. It decides which configs (from above) are put in which Price Parameters as keys.

  • Most of the Hierarchical Lookups have one table per Dependency Level + 1 (universal fallback). Dependency Configuration should be prepared before bootstrapping: https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACC/pages/4998696847

  • Bootstrapping expects to find on the partition the below listed Price Parameters. These PPs will be removed during the run. Since the amount of PPs might be very big (for a lot of Dependency Levels), each Price Parameter is placed where related PPs should be generated.

    • AdditionalDiscountTempHook

    • AdjustedPriceCorridorTempHook

    • BaseStrategySelectionTempHook

    • CostPlusTempHook

    • CostSelectionTempHook

    • DependencyLevelAdjustmentTempHook

    • DiscountTempHook

    • ListPriceCorridorTempHook

    • MinMarginTempHook

    • PriceIncreaseTempHook

    • RelevantCompetitionDataTempHook

    • StrategySelectionTempHook

    • VolumeBreakdownTempHook

All of these are handled by PlatformManager in the standard deployment scenario. For edits after deployment, follow https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACC/pages/4998696018.

Hierarchical Config Lookup

After generating hierarchical tables, these should be filled with data:


Attributes of hierarchical tables are described on their pages.


Each hierarchical table has 1-6 keys. Each key is a product attribute. If there was no name to the product column, “ProductColumn-attributeXX” name is used. The user should describe groups of products, with the ability of using “*” fallback. Order of entries is irrelevant – the most detailed config is chosen.

If no entry has been chosen, the user might create a general fallback with only an asterisk (“*“).

If no “asterisk fallback” is used, hierarchical fallback will be utilized. It means there is no need to create configs for very detailed dependency levels on which we do not perform segmentation: .



Lookup List

The "TempHooks" PPs listed above each correspond to a single lookup.

  • AdditionalDiscount

  • AdjustedPriceCorridor

  • BaseStrategySelection

  • CostPlus

  • CostSelection

  • DependencyLevelAdjustment

  • Discount

  • ListPriceCorridor

  • MarginAlertsForPriceLists

  • MinMargin

  • PriceIncrease

  • RelevantCompetitionData

  • StrategySelection

  • VolumeBreakdown