Sales Insights Package 1.5.0

Please remember that deployment via PlatformManager overrides all Company Parameter tables, so if there are any customizations they need to be backed up.

Main Features

Waterfall Configuration via PlatformManager (New)

There is a new additional step during PlatformManager deployment. It introduces a new screen that allows the users to set up their own definition of the waterfall using a user friendly form.

The in-depth description of how this form works can be found here.

This change makes the Company Parameter tables used for the waterfall configuration in previous versions obsolete.

The configuration of the Waterfall dashboards is now stored in the Advanced Configuration section under the name “waterfall-configuration”.

Please keep in mind that currently there are two issues in the waterfall definition step:

  • Non-existing fields in DM are not removed from the configuration displayed to end users, except the first one.

  • The configuration step does not take the existing partition configuration into account, so it always starts with the default template.

Waterfall by Unit Calculation Model (New)

New calculation model for waterfall has been added. It displays per unit data.

This makes the waterfall require the quantity field.

Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard (Reworked)

The Regional Revenue and Margin Dashboard has been reworked to allow more user friendly configuration and usage. Three additional Company Parameter tables have been introduced:

  • SIP_MapHierarchyConfig

  • SIP_MapCodeOverrides

  • SIP_GeoOverrides

Also, the structure of the SIP_Populations Company Parameter changed. The old Population CP can be removed unless it was modified, in which case it will be need to backed up.

The folder for the CP tables has been created, but the CP tables need to be moved manually to it.

The dashboard now uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes by default as opposed to geographical area names as in previous versions. This may require data changes or use of the newly introduced data mapping feature.

More information about the dashboard and its configuration can be found here.

Product/Customer Causality Dashboard (New)

This new Causality Dashboard allows the user to identify the change in contribution for Product/Customer groups to Total Revenue or Margin between two periods so one can easily identify problematic parts of the business.

The dashboard can display various top groups, starting from 5, 10, 25, and 50.


  • PFPCS-3425 Revenue and Margin - Per Product/Customer charts - 50 limitation


  • PFPCS-3426 Waterfall by unit

  • PFPCS-2879 SIP Default Filters - Should show existing data when opening configuration wizard



  • PFPCS-2616 Revenue and Margin Regional - Refactoring

  • PFPCS-2615 Customers/Products Causality Dashboards

  • PFPCS-833 Standardized Waterfall deployment process