Capabilities Summary (Sales Insights)


Revenue & Margin by Time

Analyze revenue and margin % achieved during a given period, with the possibility to change the time dimension for aggregation.

Understand the revenue and margin trends for the business and decide on corrective actions.

Revenue & Margin by Customer or Product

Analyze revenue and margin % achieved by a Customer/Product with visualization of the lowest 10%.

Understand the lowest performing products and decide on corrective actions.

Revenue & Margin Contribution by Customer or Product

Analyze contribution of Customers/Products to the total revenue and margin split into 10 buckets (from 10% to 100%), with the option to drill down to see the top 10 contributing Customers/Products in each bucket.

Understand the lowest performing products and decide on corrective actions if needed.

Revenue Pareto by Customer or Product

See the Pareto analysis for Customers/Products contribution to revenue, split into 10 buckets showing the number of Customers/Products in each bucket and cumulative contribution to the total revenue.

Understand which product line contributes the most/least toward the revenue and derive corrective actions.

Best & Worst Performers by Customer or Product

See the best/worst Customers/Products (5, 10, 25, 50, 100) for the selected KPI (revenue, revenue contribution %, margin, margin %, margin contribution %).

Understand the least performing product/product line by KPI and derive corrective actions.

Key Performance Indicators by Customer or Product

See the Customers/Products performance based on the selected KPI (revenue, revenue contribution %, margin, margin %, margin contribution %), split into three groups (low, medium, high) with the possibility to drill down for each group and see the top 10 (high and medium) or worst (low) 10 Customers/Products.

Analyze low performing customers/products and derive corrective actions.

Price Waterfall & Comparison Waterfall

See a standardized Price waterfall chart and waterfall comparison charts by time/Customers/Products.

Understand the customer/product profitability and take corrective action.

Revenue & Margin Causality

Analyze revenue/margin causality for two time periods with a breakdown into several categories (Lost Business, New Business, Price Effect, Volume Effect, other effects) and the possibility to display analysis in percentage.

Understand revenue/margin drives, and adjust strategy to improve performance in each bucket.

Revenue & Margin Causality

See revenue and margin distribution in the world map on the Continent/Country/State level.

Analyze the relationship between different regions, countries or states based on a KPI distribution.


  • Pricing Analyst