Capabilities Summary (Approval Workflow)


  • Approval workflow is available for following types:

    • Price List

    • Live Price List item

    • Quote

    • Rebate Agreement

    • Rebate Record

    • Promotion Agreement

    • Custom Form

  • Approval workflow can have any number of approval steps.

  • Step:

    • Can be conditional:

      • Based on math and logical expression

      • Based on data lookup

    • Can be of type:

      • Approver

      • Watcher

    • Can have one or more:

      • Users

      • User Groups


  • Technical Admin – Installs the accelerator and makes the initial setup.

  • Business Admin (likely Pricing, Sales, or Finance Manager) – Sets up the rules in Company Parameters.

  • Business User – Uses the system, e.g. submitters, approvers.

User Stories

Approval Level Definition

I want to define the number of approval levels for approvable documents (Quote, Price List, Price Grid, Rebate Agreement, Rebate Records),
so I can create a centralized approval process defined by the roles of my team.

Approver & Watcher Definition

I want to define approvers and/or watchers for each approval level. This can be specific to a user or user group.
So I can empower the appropriate users to review price lists or deals and approve/deny them.

Approval Level Conditions

I want to define condition(s) for each approval level,
so I can direct quotes / price lists to the right role for their review and approve/reject decision based on their empowerment levels.