This project is not yet an accelerator, meaning that you need to manually deploy the logics and ensure that the Price Setting Type (PLPGTT) configuration is correct. The code is available in the Price Setting Simulation repository:
This section details the ModelClass and the logics that define the Price List Impact Simulation feature. For each step, its aim, outputs, and the main reasons to modify the logics are explained.
The Price Setting Simulation (PSS) Model Class organizes a list of logics to create the model architecture. It is a JSON file that refers to some logics and it is transformed into an optimized UI in the Pricefx platform. See Models and Model Classes for more information.
The general architecture of the Price Setting Simulation Model Class is:
It defines two steps:
Input – Settings of the simulation.
Results – Simulation itself and its results.
There are two types of logics: calculation, which writes tables in the model, and evaluation, whose purpose is only to display some results. The standard Model Class definition is documented in Model Class (MC).
The logics of the Model Class follow a naming convention. They are all prefixed by PSS_All_, then their type is indicated by Eval or Calc. The configurations are suffixed by _Configurator.
The logic is PSS_Lib.
This library contains the definition of the various columns, names, Datamart, etc. manipulated by the logics.
It is the first place where to rename the source Datamart and the fields used by the price simulation. But as this Model Class is the first step toward a generic definition of the simulation problem and its use in an accelerator, therefore some names referring to the current use case are still hardcoded in the logics. Don’t forget to check elsewhere in the other logics too.
Input Step
There is no calculation logic in this step, and there is one tab with related configurator logic PSS_All_Eval_Price_List_Configurator.
This logic allows the user to enter a set of filtering options that will be applied to the simulation. These inputs are defined in a single configurator which is displayed in the drawer when we start a simulation from a Price List.
This is the place from where the date range and the custom filters defined by the user are provided to the rest of the model.
But this logic also determines the type of the source (either a Price List or a Live Price Grid) and its ID.
Later in the logics, you will access those outputs with the command model.inputs("input", "price_list")['output key'].
The most common reason is to change the inputs in the drawer. Be careful not to use several tabs as only the first one will be rendered in the Price Setting module.
Also, keep in mind that this configurator must work from the drawer tab as well as from the Models view. The current coding of the Price List input gives an example of how to deal with this requirement with inputs initialized from configuration or awaiting input from the user depending on the use case.
Results Step
This step performs first a sequence of calculations:
The aggregation of the data is done by PSS_All_Calc_Aggregating.
The data is checked by PSS_All_Calc_Check_Data.
The tables that are required to instantiate the Optimization Engine are stored by the logic PSS_All_Calc_Store_Problem.
The Optimization Engine is set and triggered by PSS_All_Calc_Run_Simulation.
After its run, some postprocessing tasks are done to provide good inputs to the dashboards, in PSS_All_Calc_Prepare_Results.
Then, three tabs are displayed, based on these logics:
The Impact tab is based on PSS_All_Eval_Impact.
The Details tab is based on PSS_All_Eval_Details.
The Analysis tab is based on PSS_All_Eval_Analysis and PSS_All_Eval_Analysis_Configurator.
Calculation: Aggregating
The logic is PSS_All_Calc_Aggregating.
This logic aggregates the data needed for the simulation and applies the user-defined filters.
The PriceItems table contains the information read from the PL/LPG and the AggregatedData table contains the current values of the waterfall computed directly from the historical transactions.
The PriceItems table is used to provide a reference price to the aggregated data. The AggregatedData table will be used as a basis of comparison for the Simulation in the charts.
This aggregation is based on a hidden secondary key, which means that the Price Items are not joined to the transactions Datamart only by the product IDs, but also by this secondary key. You may remove it or change its corresponding field.
Aggregation period
If you want to change the aggregation period:
If the period is a field of the Datamart, the logic reads the field PricingDateMonth from the transaction Datamart. Change this reference.
If a more complex aggregation must be done, then the queries must be updated.
Calculation: Check Data
The logic is PSS_All_Calc_Check_Data.
This logic checks if the input data contain blocking or non-blocking errors.
The critical errors will throw an error message to the job tracker and stop the calculation sequence. The critical errors are an empty PL/LPG or a PL/LPG where none of the price items matches the transactions Datamart.
The non-critical errors will return a list of non-critical errors: the list of the price items which do not have a price in the LPG/PL and the list of the price items in the PL/LPG that do not correspond to any transaction in the transactions Datamart.
These outputs are accessible with the command model.outputs('results', 'checkData').
You may want to add or remove some errors. The main point is that the critical errors stop the calculation process, and the non-critical ones will just provide a piece of information.
Calculation: Store Problem Tables
The logic is PSS_All_Calc_Store_Problem.
This logic extracts data and formats them in a way understandable by the Optimization Engine. More details in Problem Tables (Optimization Engine). There is strict formatting for these tables.
The data manipulation creates the model tables prefixed by Problem_ that act as an endpoint for the OE. Be careful, their names follow a strict format: These endpoints must be named according to the Problem_nameOfTheSpace_nameOfTheScope present in the ProblemDescription.groovy and return the corresponding data. In this Model Class, we have only one scope, so the name on the table should stay Problem_BySKUCustomerAndPeriod_All.
If there are different data to send to the OE, it is the place where to write them. The fields SKU, customer and period are required by the space definition. All the other ones depend on the problem definition: Did the waterfall definition change? Did other pieces of the problem change? Depending on the modification done to the Problem Description File (in Calculation: Run Simulation described below), you may need to read new inputs from the data to instantiate the new parts of the model. These new fields must be added to the problem table. The way the model was changed will define where to add their name, space and scope in the Problem Description File.
For example, if we add a variable new_field_to_read in the scope all of the space BySKUCustomerAndPeriod.
We need to add this information in the model table Problem_BySKUCustomerAndPeriod_All, which means modifying the element Problem_BySKUCustomerAndPeriod_All in this logic to add the field new_field_to_read to it. For more information see Problem Tables (Optimization Engine) and Problem Description.
If the new data is not available and requires for example reading new fields from the Datamart, then the Aggregation logic (Calculation: Aggregating) must also be updated accordingly and the new fields added to the AggregatedData table.
Calculation: Run Simulation
The logic is PSS_All_Calc_Run_Simulation.
This logic contains the Problem Description File and the code to trigger an Optimization Engine. Refer to Problem Description for more details. It runs a simulation on the OE.
The successful execution of the OE creates several model tables prefixed by Simulation_* and containing the output of the simulation. A simulation table is created for each computed variable of the problem description and its name follows a strict convention: Simulation_<name of the space>_<name of the variable>.
The exposed computed variables are listPriceAfterRates, InvoicePrice, NetPrice, PocketPrice, PocketMargin and GrossMargin.
For a deep explanation how to write a Problem Description File, refer to Problem Description.
The main hypothesis of the current model is that everything is modeled at the finest granularity level. It is recommended to keep the modifications at the same level, even if suboptimal, to facilitate the different aggregation steps. In the existing code, the level is SKU / Customer Id / Period.
Changing the Problem Description is the first step as it will impact the variables used and therefore what we need to read and where. It may imply these changes:
What data to read;
Where to read them;
How to use them in the model;
Does it change the results shown to the user.
Calculation: Prepare Results
The logic is PSS_All_Calc_Prepare_Results.
This logic formats the raw Optimization Engine output in a usable way to display relevant information to the user.
Four tables are created:
Simulated aggregates the output tables of the OE in one table. Its structure is similar to the AggregatedData one. The difference is that the "base" price is not read from historical data anymore but from the Price List.
Details_Customer provides the values at a customer and product group aggregation level.
Details_Product provides the values at a product and business unit aggregation level.
Details_ProductCustomer provides the values at a product and customer aggregation level.
The values provided by the Details tables are always the extended and the unit list price, the extended and unit gross margin, and the gross margin rate. For each of these values, the current (coming from the AggregatedData table) and the simulated (coming from the Simulated table) values are calculated, plus the delta and the delta rate.
In the problem description, if you add or remove a variable, you will have to reflect the change in the Simulated table.
The Details tables are displayed in the Results step, Details tab. They have to be changed if the user wants to see different fields.
You may also add a new table here if there is a new chart or a new table to display in the Results step.
Impact Tab
The logic is PSS_All_Eval_Impact.
This logic builds the main comparison charts between the historical data and the simulation results. This is the view the user encounters once the simulation is executed. There are no user inputs in this tab, the charts fill the whole canvas.
This logic creates a dashboard made of seven portlets:
Overview – Summary of the changes when applying the prices from the Price List to the transactions.
List Price Change – Histogram displaying how many product prices are different between the historical and the simulation results, depending on the relative price variation.
Margin & Revenue by Period – Bar chart comparing the historical and the simulated values of the total gross margin and the total revenue by a period of time.
Current Waterfall, Simulated Waterfall, and Waterfall - Current vs Simulated – Historical waterfall, the simulated one, and a comparison between them.
Waterfall Comparison (Current List Price as base 100) – Relative comparison between the waterfall.
I want to add Results Charts
Let’s say we added a new discount in the waterfall, we now must change the existing charts to display this new information.
However, as we can only create tables in a calculation logic, some new charts may need to add an element to store the data in a usable fashion. It should be done in PSS_All_Calc_Prepare_Results (Calculation: Prepare Results).
Note that this can lead to slight differences in the implementation of the same chart between the Impact or Details tabs and the Analysis one as the Analysis tab must be updated given the set of filters inputted by the user. For example, the tables in Details are displayed using dmCtx.buildQuery(query) which is efficient but not usable for the tables in Analysis using a toResultMatrix() as their filtering relies on SQL query.
Details Tab
The logic is PSS_All_Eval_Details.
This logic builds the table view of the comparison of the current and the simulated values. They are aggregated at different levels. This tab also contains the results of the previous Error Check.
The dashboard displays three model tables corresponding to the aggregation by product, customer, and product/customer. These tables are built in Calculation: Prepare Results.
The last portlet provides a summary of the non-blocking errors, calculated in Calculation: Check Data.
If another table is created and should be provided to the user, this is the place where to add it.
If the non-blocking errors are defined differently, it would be better to change the wording here.
Analysis Tab
The logics are PSS_All_Eval_Analysis and PSS_All_Eval_Analysis_Configurator.
This logic is a kind of mirror of the Impact tab but with the option for the user to filter the results and therefore, dig deeper to understand how the global view manifests for any specific product family or customer.
The configurator logic PSS_All_Eval_Analysis_Configurator provides the user inputs: options parameters to filter the model tables. The main logic then provides the same portlets as the Impact Tab but only in the scope that the user has defined.
Let’s assume that you make similar changes in this tab and in the Impact one.
Because of the scope filtering, note that this can lead to slight differences in the implementation of the same chart between the Impact or Details tabs and the Analysis one. For example, the tables in Details are displayed using dmCtx.buildQuery(query) which is efficient but not usable for the tables in Analysis using a toResultMatrix() as their filtering relies on SQL query.
It is also possible to define other user inputs to filter the scope, for instance numerical filter on the revenue or on the margin.
Configuration in PLPGTT
In order to enable the simulation for a PL/LPG, we need to link them together. This is done by setting a specific “Contextual Actions Configuration” in the correct Price Setting Type.
Menu to the Price Setting Types definitions
Place of the Contextual Actions Configuration definition
The field is named contextualActions and is a JSON following this model:
The Model Class to use for the simulation in the targetPageEntityType.
The view type of its first step for configuration from the PL/LPG list in the targetPageTarget – here it is a "drawer".
Matching between the PL information and the automatic setting of the inputs in the drawer in the targetPageInputs. Here we set the inputs SourceTypedId and secondaryKeyColumnName of the tab price_list, which is the only tab of the first step of the Model Class.
Creation from a Model Object List
Finally, note that the Simulation can be instantiated from the Model Objects list, allowing the creation of several simulations per a Price List and making the development and debugging easier. To do so, simply create a new Model Object using the correct Model Class (more details in Models). The first step will then allow configuring the input to use for the simulation (PL, LPG and optional secondary keys). Be sure that when you add inputs in the first step, they are both usable from the Models view and from the drawer in the PL/LPG simulation option and auto-filled with the PL data when needed. For that two actions are needed:
Updating the logic building the user inputs (refer to Input Step).
Updating the mapping in the drawer (refer to the previous paragraph Configuration in PLPGTT).