Currency Conversion Configuration
The Currency Conversion Configuration is used to convert currency based on the customer currency selection in a Quote header. If your data (price, cost, discount…) contains information about currency, it can be used in the CPQ Package. The currency conversion will be applied based on your provided conversion rate.
Conversion Rate Lookup
The ccy data source is the default source for your conversion rates. You can also define your custom conversion rates. CPQ supports fetching the conversion rate from a Price Parameters (PP) table. The configuration is:
Name | Description |
ppExchangeRate | Name of a Price Parameters table which contains conversion rates |
ppExchangeRateFromCurrency | From Currency column |
ppExchangeRateToCurrency | To Currency column |
ppExchangeRateValidFrom | Valid From column |
ppExchangeRateValidTo | Valid To column |
ppExchangeRateValue | Column contains rate value |
For example, you can define you exchange rates in Price Parameters like this:
Then you can configure to read your rates this way:
Lookup Details Configuration
Lookup | Name | Description |
Default Currency | defaultCurrency | Displays the default currency. It will be used if there is no defined currency. |
Price List lookup | priceListItemCurrency | Lookup currency column in Price List |
Product Prices lookup | priceByCustomerLevelCurrency | Lookup currency column in PX Price By Customer |
priceByCountryLevelCurrency | Lookup currency column in PX Price By Country | |
priceByRegionLevelCurrency | Lookup currency column in PX Price By Region | |
priceBySegmentLevelCurrency | Lookup currency column in PX Price By Segment | |
Exception Discount PP | Attribute4 | Currency read from predefined column |
Standard Discount PP | ppStandardDiscountCurrency | Lookup currency column in PP CPQStandardDiscount |
Cost lookup | pxCostCurrency | Lookup currency column in PX cost data |
Price Competitors PX | pxCompetitorCurrency | Lookup currency column in PX Price Competitors |
Competitor Data | Currency | PCOMP - Currency read from a predefined column |
Price Guidance PX | pxGuidanceCurrency | Lookup currency column in PX Price Guidance |
Price Guidance from Price Optimizer model | poPriceGuidanceCurrency | Lookup currency column in Price Optimization model |
Query Currency in DM | dm_query_currency | By default, when using a conversion rate from the ccy data source, currency conversion for historical data will be done by setting the currency option for the query. If your Datamart is not set up for currency, the conversion will not be applied. If you set this configuration to ‘false’, the conversion will always be applied in the Groovy code, so the problem can be fixed. |
For Product Prices Lookup, it requires you to change the attribute size when adding the currency column. Please keep in mind that it may lose your data after each deployment because the original attribute size (3) will be deployed again. Please back up first in this case.
How It Works
In the price list item, there is a specified currency, for example, when using a price list that was created by Accelerate Price Setting Package (PSP):
Then you can define the currency of your product’s price in CPQ using the ‘priceListItemCurrency’ configuration:
We use the same definition for other money data used in CPQ, such as Standard Discount, Exception Discount, Price Guidance and Price Competitors, etc.
Sample configuration:
If there is no conversion rate found, the value 0 will be displayed for historical data, Price Guidance and <empty> for others.
If we have defaultCurrency and do not map the Currency configuration (e.g. Cost, Price Guidance,..), the default currency is used.
If we do not map both defaultCurrency and Currency configuration (e.g. Cost, Price Guidance), the original value is used without currency conversion.