CPQ Inputs Configuration 1.x - OBSOLETE
The CPQ Inputs Configuration is deprecated from version 2.0. It is recommended to use CPQ_Default_Input_Output_Configuration PP instead.
The CPQ Inputs Configuration is used to create a custom input in the CPQ Package. Custom inputs can be displayed on the header or line item level.
Custom inputs are generated under the input configurator:
LineItemInputConfigurator – Contains inputs for each line item.
HeaderInputConfigurator – Contains inputs for the header level.
Name | Description |
Name | Name of the input |
Label | Input label to display on a quote |
Input Type | Type of the input. Supported values are:
Source Table | Used if the input type is OPTION or OPTIONS. Defines a table name where to get the values options. |
Source Type | Used if the input type is OPTION or OPTIONS. Defines a table type (P, C, PX, CX, PP) where to get the values options. |
Source Field | Used if the input type is OPTION or OPTIONS. Defines a column where to get the values options. |
Value Options Filter By Customer | Defines if the selected customer will be used to filter value options from the source query. |
Value Options Filter By Product | Defines if the selected product will be used to filter value options from the source query. |
Value Options | Used if the input type is OPTION or OPTIONS and the source is not defined. Defines the value options, separated by comma. |
Default Value | Defines an input default value. |
Value Hint | Defines an input value hint. |
Read Only | Defines if the input is read only. |
Required | Defines if the input is required. |
Level | Defines where to display the input. Supported values are: Header, Line. |
Customer Filter | Defines if the input value can be passed to a customer filter logic as a parameter. |
Product Filter | Defines if the input value can be passed to a product filter logic as a parameter. |
Customer Filter Operator | Provides the operator for Customer Filter. Supported values are:
Product Filter Operator | Supports the operator for Product Filter. Supported values are: