Capabilities Summary (CPQ)


Out of the Box

  • Support the whole process of negotiating a deal

    • Selecting customers and products

    • Pricing and negotiating the deal

    • Approval workflow – through the Approval Workflow accelerator

    • Quote output

  • Publishing template

  • Approval email message template

  • Configuration wizard – allows setting many options through a guided process


  • Sources of data – which tables will be used for:

    • Currency conversion

    • List/base price

    • Competition data

    • etc.

  • More Quote Types

  • Price lookup in "matrix" price lists (more dimensions for lookup)

  • Custom inputs on quote header and items

  • Custom outputs on quote header and items

  • Custom calculations


  • Technical Admin – Installation, initial configuration, configuration of Quote Types

  • Business Admin – Changes the accelerator behavior (likely with help of Technical Admin)

  • Business User – Sales Representative (creates quotes), approvers

User Stories

Quote summary

View summary data for quoted items (i.e., quote currency, total revenue, net price, margin, margin %, quantity).

Review the quote overview and understand profitability.

Quoted product sales history overview

View the sales history overview (based on historical data) with details of the Customer’s buying behavior for the last period for quoted items.

Understand the customer total spend over the selected time and offer a similar quote.

Customer buying history overview

See Customer’s buying history overview (based on historical data) for the last months – total revenue, quantity, margin, margin %.

Understand the customer total spend over the selected time and offer a similar quote.

Product quantity

Specify a quantity for a quoted Product.

Provide a quotation matching the quantity needs and margin effect.

Product price/discount

Negotiate a price or discount % for a quoted Product.

Provide a discount (additional, flat %, default %) to the customer.

Product price waterfall

View a price waterfall with the following elements – List Price, Discount, Discount %, Invoice Price, Rebate, Cash Discount %, Net Price, Cost, Margin, Margin %, Total Revenue of a Product SKU.

Understand the product total profitability and revenue leakage and negotiate prices as needed.

Product sales history KPIs

View product sales (based on historical data) for the last months. Available KPIs are Revenue, Quantity, Margin %, Weighted Avg. Price, Avg. Revenue Per Invoice, Avg. Quantity per Invoice, Avg. Margin % per Invoice. It is possible to filter data by customer attributes, e.g., Segment, Customer ID, Region, Sales Person, etc.

Understand the product financial performance and negotiate prices as needed.

Competitor comparison

View a comparison with competitors (if available). Available KPIs are Competitor Median Price, Top 5 Competitors, Lowest Competitor Price.

Offer the right price relative to the competitors.

Price guidance

View Price Guidance (Stretch, Target, Floor Price) based on a data lookup from Product Extension for a product and customer.

Adjust prices based on user’s empowerment and understand the target price, price stretch, and price floor.

Historical prices

View a previous price (based on historical data) transacted by the customer. Available data: Unit Price, Margin %, Date.

Validate the quote in line with historical behavior.

Standard discount lookup

Look up a standard discount (up to 6 product/customer hierarchical keys) or a discount exception (Product SKU, Customer ID).

Review the standard discount structure.

Competition data lookup

Look up competition data from a standard Product Competition or Product Extension table.

Review competitor prices at the product level.

Price data lookup

Look up price list data from a Price Setting price list or Product Extension table. Available tables are Prices per Customer, Prices per Segment, Prices per Country, Prices per Region.

View all the product base prices and review, update, and delete them.