Customer Insights Dashboard 1.1


  • [PFPCS-2722] - [Chart Pricing Opportunity by Product Attribute]_No spacing between words

  • [PFPCS-2729] - Trend L12M is inaccurately for those products that data exists in just one quarter

  • [PFPCS-2744] - [CID] Hotfix Preferences for Customer Insights Dashboards on Pricefx mode


  • [PFPCS-2564] - Write document for CIDs Introduction

  • [PFPCS-2742] - [CID] Do release activities for version 1.1.0


  • [PFPCS-2568] - Customer Summary _Not display null/zero when no data exist

  • [PFPCS-2569] - Update list value in Category in dashboard input

  • [PFPCS-2574] - Support change label of some params configured in PP

  • [PFPCS-2590] - Rename column "Field Name" in PP "PFXTemplate_CustomerInsights_Customer_Segment" to "Source Field"

  • [PFPCS-2610] - Customer Summary portlet_ Little updates

  • [PFPCS-2634] - [Customer Global View] add click-through from the Trends table

  • [PFPCS-2643] - Update: using sourceField to match data between Product master and Product datasource

  • [PFPCS-2652] - Update some points in charts and table

  • [PFPCS-2656] - Update The Health Score calculation

  • [PFPCS-2689] - [Simulation] Support multi order type of classification ranges

  • [PFPCS-2708] - [dashboard] Using constants defined in library

  • [PFPCS-2709] - [Customer Detail View] Should round before pass value to function api.formatNumber

  • [PFPCS-2713] - [Customer Product Portfolio] Product Attribute should show label Translations

  • [PFPCS-2715] - Should use key label in configuration PP to show in KPI dropdown list

  • [PFPCS-2716] - Should use key label in configuration PP to show in Timefilter dropdown list

  • [PFPCS-2726] - CID update default Preferences for dashboards