Capabilities Summary (Customer Insights)

Out of the Box

  • Global View dashboard, with charts and table reports:

    • Customers Performance by Health Score

    • Customers Performance by Revenue

    • Customer Health Summary

    • Trends

    • Pricing Opportunity

    • Selling Opportunity

    • Customer Summary

    • Inactive Customers

  • Customer Detail View dashboard, with charts and table reports:

    • Specialty and Commodity Products

    • High Volume and Low Volume Products

    • Revenue and Margin chart

    • Waterfall chart

    • Revenue Breakdown chart

    • Number of Transactions in Last 12M & Projection

    • Customer Revenue and Margin Trend in Last 12M & Projection

    • Customer Summary

  • Customer Products Portfolio dashboard, with charts and table reports:

    • Pricing Opportunity by Product Type

    • Pricing Opportunity by Product Attribute

    • Revenue and Margin Contribution

    • Pricing Opportunity by Top Products

    • Pricing Opportunity by Worst Products

    • Product Health Summary

    • Average Invoice Price

    • Trends

    • Pricing Opportunity

    • Selling Opportunity

    • Customer Summary


  • Customer Segmentation definition – You can define grouping of customers by common characteristics/dimensions. Then selected KPIs of individual customers are calculated according to the values aggregated on the Customer Segment level.

  • Source of data – Defines from which source (Datamart / Data Source) your transactional data comes from and which fields should be used for calculations.

  • Parameters, which drive:

    • Calculations of KPIs – You can set class values and thresholds for various product and customer classifications.

    • Displaying of certain things – You can change lists of options for filters, and default presets for dashboard filters.

  • Waterfall chart configuration (it uses the configuration defined for the Sales Insights accelerator installed on the same partition)