YTD By Rebate Type Dashboard

The YTD By Rebate Type dashboard helps you visualize and analyze rebate types with the approved agreement status from the beginning of the current year to the current date.

User Inputs

For this dashboard you can set the following inputs:

  • Rebate Type – Allows you to select a rebate type or shows all rebate types if you leave it blank.
    The dropdown shows all rebate types you have in your rebate records, including draft agreement status.

  • Chart Type – Allows you to select a type of chart you want to display.
    The available values are:

    • line (default)

    • column

    • pie

    • bar.

  • Value – Allows you to display a value on the chart type.
    The available values are:

    • Baseline Value (default)

    • Rebate

    • Paid Rebate

    • Forecast Baseline Value

    • Rebate Forecast


The dashboard provides the following summaries:

  • Year To Date Value By Rebate Type Chart
    This chart shows values of the rebate type that you selected in the “Chart Type” and “Value” input fields with the approved agreement status. Below are examples for a line chart and a pie chart:


  • Year To Date Value By Rebate Type Table
    This table provides an overview of a typical rebate type with the approved agreement status. For each rebate type, you can see year to date of Baseline Value, Rebate, Paid Rebate, Forecast Baseline Value and Rebate Forecast.

    When you approve a rebate record in Rebate Records, it will be moved from a Rebate to a Paid Rebate in this table.



  • In Rebate Records:

    • Agreement Status – Displays the status of Rebate Agreement (this column will be updated in Rebate Records when you approve one rebate agreement).

    • Status – Displays the status of Rebate Record (this column will be updated in Rebate Records when you approve one rebate record).

  • YTD Rebate refers to the Agreement Status column (approved) and YTD Paid Rebate refers to the Status column (approved) for showing the data in the dashboard.

  • If CurrencySymbols PP does not exist in the partition or if the symbol for a particular currency is not found there, then the currency code is displayed.