This example shows how to enhance the input on the header level, for example set up a default value. When you need to copy this value to the line items, you have to iterate through the list of line items and call the addOrUpdateInput function where you can specify the input attributes.

Inputs added by quoteProcessor.addOrUpdateInput appear after the whole logic executed, not immediately. Modifying actions are not executed immediately, but in a defined sequence once the logic is finished.

// create the input with Quote Types
String[] UoMs = ["kg", "lb"]

        ["name": "baseUoM",
         "label": "UoM",
         "type" : InputType.OPTION,
         "valueOptions" : UoMs,
         "required" : true,
         "value": getInputValue("baseUoM")?:getDefaultUoM() 

def baseUoM = quoteProcessor.getHelper().getRoot().getInputByName("baseUoM")?.value

/* distribute the UoM to the line items */
for (lineItemMap in quoteProcessor.getQuoteView().lineItems) {
    if (lineItemMap.folder) continue  //skip folders
                                    ["name": "UoM",
                                     "label": "UoM",
                                     "type" : InputType.OPTION,
   									"valueOptions" : UoMs,
  									 "required" : true,
                                     "readOnly" : true,
                                    "value": baseUoM ]

def getDefaultUoM() {
  customer = getInputValue("Customer")
  if(customer != null) {
   	 cust = api.find("C", Filter.equal("customerId",customer))
    if(cust != null) {
      country = cust[0].attribute6
      if(country != null) {
          uom = api.findLookupTableValues("CountryDetails", Filter.equal("name", country))
        if(uom != null) {
          return uom[0].attribute3
      } else {
        return "kg"
    } else {
      return "kg"
  }else {
    return "kg"

def getInputValue(inputName) {
  return quoteProcessor.getHelper().getRoot().getInputByName(inputName)?.value