The article discusses how a QA Analyst can assist a Customer Solution Manager (CSM) during User Acceptance Testing (UAT). The QA Analyst can help with test planning and strategy, test execution, defect management, feedback collection, documentation and reporting, and training and support. By collaborating closely with CSMs, QA can contribute to a successful UAT process.

CSM Assistance Overview

Quality Assurance (QA) can assist Customer Success Managers (CSMs) during User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in several ways:

By collaborating closely with CSMs, QA can contribute to a successful UAT process by ensuring that the product meets user expectations, is free of critical defects, and is ready for production release

With Test Automation

Test automation packages prompt some questions about the roles and responsibilities of QAs and CSMs. We addressed a couple here:

QA Analyst will help to lower the risk that the customer finds major issues during UAT

QA Analyst is responsible for functional and regression testing on the project – not developer (CE). QA Analyst is the role dedicated to QA and software testing activities, so we can let developers do just the development.

QA Analyst will help to lower risk the customer is not ready for UAT or he is not clear about what to do

QA Analyst communicates with the customer about UAT during the whole project and helps the customer with his preparation and understanding

QA Analyst will document testing on the project (test cases, test results, progress of testing)

This will improve the level of project documentation and it can be used during the project and even later for Support purposes