Here is description of basic software testing methods, which are often used during testing. Note the methods are not Pricefx specific, but examples of real testing situations are. Please keep in mind that main benefits of using those methods are:

Boundary values

Description: When correct behavior is described for one range of values, also values on the edge of the range and outside of the range should be tested

  1. using boundary values method means you will be focused also on checking warning or error messages and that the behavior on the interval edges is correct

  2. Example:

  1. it can be useful especially when you are testing a parameter is valid only in certain range and the application should behave differently for other values - show warning or error message

  2. You should consider using Boundary values in these cases:

Equivalence partitioning

Description: The main idea behind Equivalence partitioning is that it is possible to limit the number of needed tests if there is the same behavior when input parameters belong to the same particular range

  1. Example:

Decision table

Description: Decision table is very good especially when there is pretty complex description of the functionality and when it is obvious the behavior is depending on the settings of some parameters or conditions. In this case it is good idea to describe the expected behavior in one table, in which there will be one row for each condition. The main benefit here is that we are lowering probability that we miss some combination of condition - expected result which should be tested.

  1. Example:

State transitioning diagram

Description: Especially for complex tests, one simple picture can be more efficient than a lot of texts and this is the idea behind State transitioning. It is also useful for customers to describe E2E processes which they are covering by UAT test cases.

Exploratory testing

Description: Testing is done based on tester’s knowledge and previous experience, not based on prepared test cases. Sometimes it can be very useful because it is possible to find some important bugs quickly, on the other hand documentation of exploratory testing is usually very limited

  1. Exploratory testing can be added to testing based on test cases especially when:

Testing based on test cases

Exploratory testing

Benefits (plus)

  • Well documented test steps

  • Linked to the user story

  • Can be easily repeated when it is needed

  • Good starting point for test automation

  • Good overview of what was tested on the project

  • Tester can change testing approach when testing for the second time

  • Less time needed for documentation

  • Brings more creativity to testing

  • Tester can be more focused on new/old/potentially problematic functionality - based on what is currently needed

Disadvantages (minus)

  • Needs some time for documentation

  • The same test steps are repeated when the test case is tested for the second time

  • Some testers can overlook an obvious bug because they are focused just on test steps

  • It is very hard or impossible to repeat the previous tests again

  • No documentation also means it is very hard to know which functionality was already tested and which is still waiting for test

  • It is depending on the experience of the tester - different testers can come with very different results

  • It will not help with test automation