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In this tutorial you will learn how to import data into Company Parameters via the user interface. This procedure also works for the following tables:

Above the company parameters table, select the action Import Parameters.

image 20211001 064949

The Import Parameters dialog opens.

image 20211001 065217

If you do not know the required structure of the file for import yet, then use Export CSV or Export Excel to get the current data in the expected import format. If there are no data in the table yet, you will get at least the expected structure, for example in this case it would be:

image 20211001 065614

The header of each column is in the form Field Label [FieldName] where:

If you already know the structure, you can skip Step 1.

Click the Upload CSV or Excel file and select the file for upload. In our case, we used XLS which had the following content:

image 20211001 071220

Now you will have the choice how to import the data:

image 20211001 071609

Wait for the upload to finish and review the upload status. If there are some issues, fix the data file and re-upload.

image 20211001 071741

Review the data in the table.

image 20211001 071842

Note that the percentage is done by formatting of the table field, it did not come with the data.