Sometimes it might be useful for users to be able to open a page within Pricefx directly from the dashboard.

The easiest way is to use the addLink DashboardController method.

def controller = api.newController()
controller.addLink("Open Quote", controller.QC_DETAILS_PAGE, "2529.Q")
return controller


Link in a Result Matrix

Links to documents can be included in a result matrix. See an example of a dashboard logic element below, which demonstrates various format types in a result matrix, including a link to a Quote:

def fields = [
  [name: "% String value", type: FieldFormatType.TEXT],
  [name: "Integer value", type: FieldFormatType.INTEGER],
  [name: "Numeric value", type: FieldFormatType.NUMERIC],
  [name: "Date value", type: FieldFormatType.DATE],
  [name: "Date Time value", type: FieldFormatType.DATETIME],
  [name: "Link", type: FieldFormatType.LINK]

def m = api.newMatrix(fields.collect{it ->});
def rows = [];

def d = new Date();
for (int i=0; i< 100; i++) {
  rows << ["somewhere "+i, i, 0.11*i, d-i, d+i,  m.linkCell(i, 'priceShopPage', i)];

fields.each {field ->
  m.setColumnFormat(, field.type);

rows.each {row ->
  m.addRow((0..row.size()-1).collectEntries{index ->
    [fields[index].name, row[index]]

def event_name = api.dashboardWideEvent('recalculateDashboard')

                       .withColValueAsEventDataAttr('% String value', 'DA1')
                       .withColValueAsEventDataAttr('Numeric value', 'DA2')
					   .withColValueAsEventDataAttr('Integer value', 'DA3')

return m;

Definition of m.linkCell(value, targetPage, targetPageState):