One of the action you can add to ResultMatrix is a button which will navigate users to another page to perform an action with the list of items selected from the matrix.
To perform the action, there has to be a definition of the action – it is either a deep link or a context link. The BackEndAction logic is called to retrieve the definition.
Logic Nature: generic (null)
Logic Type: Calculation/Pricing
Execution Types
Standard – Logic is only executed via normal execution.
Information provided to the logic
InputMatrix input with a list of items selected in the ResultMatrix. The name of this input is set when calling the rowSelectionBackEndAction() method.
The ResultMatrix can also pass additional inputs to this logic, via calling the method BackEndAction.addFormulaInput().
Expected logic execution outcome
The first visible element (with Display Mode = Everywhere) is expected to return a Map with definition of the action link. It can be either deep link or context link. See the code sample below.
If the logic fails with an exception:
The exception from the logic is displayed as an error notification.
Redirection to another page will not happen.
The frontend can display an error which was set via withFailureMessage(). This message will override the exception message returned from the logic.
In the logic you can use yellowAlert(), redAlert(), or criticalAlert() to display notifications.
criticalAlert() will cancel redirection to another page.
Example of BackEndAction logic:
def products = api.inputMatrix('productsDataSet', 'sku') return [ targetPage : AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE, targetPageState: [ targetPageItems: products.collect { it -> return it.sku }, targetPageTab: 'items' ] |
Example of a logic to build the Result Matrix which creates the action button calling the BackEndAction logic:
def products= api.find("P", 0, 10, null, ["sku", "label", "currency"]) def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix().withColumnFormats([ "sku" : FieldFormatType.TEXT, "label":FieldFormatType.TEXT, "currency": FieldFormatType.TEXT ]).withRows(products); resultMatrix.rowSelectionBackEndAction("productsDataSet") .withLogicName("BackEndActionLogic") .withColumns("sku") .withButtonLabel("New Quote") return resultMatrix |
Example of result matrix with multiple buttons, error handling and passing additional parameters.
Result matrix:
def products = api.find("P", 0, 10, null, ["sku", "label", "currency"]) def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix().withColumnFormats([ "sku" : FieldFormatType.TEXT, "label" : FieldFormatType.TEXT ]).withRows(products); resultMatrix.rowSelectionBackEndAction("selectedProducts") .withLogicName("BackEndActionLogic_Example2") .withColumns("sku") .withButtonLabel("New Quote") resultMatrix.rowSelectionBackEndAction("selectedProducts") .withLogicName("BackEndActionLogic_Example2") .withColumns("sku") .withButtonLabel("New Quote With Header Type") .withButtonTooltip('Create a quote with the "Embedded_CFO" type') .withFailureMessage('Error message displayed if the logic throws an exception') .withSuccessMessage('Success message') .addFormulaInput('quoteType', 'Embedded_CFO') .addFormulaInput('quoteLabel', "New Embedded_CFO quote!") return resultMatrix; |
Code of BackEndActionLogic_Example2:
// Selected rows in result matrixdef items = api.inputMatrix('selectedProducts', 'sku') // Quote type passed in .addFormulaInput('quoteType', 'Embedded_CFO')def quoteType = api.input('quoteType') // Quote label passed in .addFormulaInput('quoteLabel', "New Embedded_CFO quote")def quoteLabel = api.input('quoteLabel') if (quoteType) { return [ targetPage : AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE, targetPageState: [ targetPageFields: [ label: quoteLabel, expiryDate: "2023-12-24" ], targetPageEntityType: quoteType, targetPageItemsInputs: items, targetPageTab: 'items' ] ] } else { [ targetPage : AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE, targetPageState: [ targetPageItemsInputs: items, targetPageTab: 'items' ] ] } |