One of the action you can add to ResultMatrix is a button which will navigate users to another page to perform an action with the list of items selected from the matrix.

To perform the action, there has to be a definition of the action – it is either a deep link or a context link. The BackEndAction logic is called to retrieve the definition.

Logic API

Code Samples

Example of BackEndAction logic:

def products = api.inputMatrix('productsDataSet', 'sku')

return [
  targetPage     : AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE,
  targetPageState: [
    targetPageItems: products.collect { it -> return it.sku },
    targetPageTab: 'items'

Example of a logic to build the Result Matrix which creates the action button calling the BackEndAction logic:

def products= api.find("P", 0, 10, null, ["sku", "label", "currency"])

def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix().withColumnFormats([
        "sku"  : FieldFormatType.TEXT,
        "currency": FieldFormatType.TEXT

        .withButtonLabel("New Quote")

return resultMatrix

Example of result matrix with multiple buttons, error handling and passing additional parameters.

Result matrix:

def products = api.find("P", 0, 10, null, ["sku", "label", "currency"])

def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix().withColumnFormats([
  "sku"     : FieldFormatType.TEXT,
  "label"   : FieldFormatType.TEXT

  .withButtonLabel("New Quote")

  .withButtonLabel("New Quote With Header Type")
  .withButtonTooltip('Create a quote with the "Embedded_CFO" type')
  .withFailureMessage('Error message displayed if the logic throws an exception')
  .withSuccessMessage('Success message')
  .addFormulaInput('quoteType', 'Embedded_CFO')
  .addFormulaInput('quoteLabel', "New Embedded_CFO quote!")

return resultMatrix;

Code of BackEndActionLogic_Example2:

// Selected rows in result matrixdef items = api.inputMatrix('selectedProducts', 'sku')

// Quote type passed in .addFormulaInput('quoteType', 'Embedded_CFO')def quoteType = api.input('quoteType')

// Quote label passed in .addFormulaInput('quoteLabel', "New Embedded_CFO quote")def quoteLabel = api.input('quoteLabel')

if (quoteType) {
  return [
    targetPage     : AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE,
    targetPageState: [
      targetPageFields: [
        label: quoteLabel,
        expiryDate: "2023-12-24"      ],
      targetPageEntityType: quoteType,
      targetPageItemsInputs: items,
      targetPageTab: 'items'    ]
} else {
    targetPage     : AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE,
    targetPageState: [
      targetPageItemsInputs: items,
      targetPageTab: 'items'    ]