A Highchart is defined in a calculation logic, using the api.buildHighchart method. Refer to the Highcharts API reference to explore the full variety of settings.

At the very least you need to provide series[n].type and series[n].data, or you can omit series.type if there is a default chart.type value.

def definition = [
	chart: [ type: 'scatter' ],

	series: [
			// type: 'scatter',
			name: 'Test',
			data: [
				[ 0.1, 0.5 ],
// def matrix1 = api.newMatrix()
def chart = api.buildHighchart(definition)
// .showDataTab()   - Adds a data tab to the chart
//   .setDataHeaders('Country', 'Revenue', 'Margin')
//   .setResultMatrixTabs(matrix1, matrix2, ...)
return chart
// return chart.addModule(String... moduleNames)

If a message displays, saying that a JavaScript module may be missing, go to the Highcharts documentation and find out which modules are required for each chart type.

The following example fetches data from the Datamart and creates a variwide chart: 

// to be adapted to your partition's Datamart definition
def DM_NAME = 'datamart_transaction'
def SKU_FIELD = 'ProductID'
def IP_FIELD = 'InvoicePrice'
def COSTS_FIELD = 'Costs'
def YEAR_FIELD = 'InvoiceDateYear'

def ctx = api.getDatamartContext()
def dm = ctx.getDatamart(DM_NAME)
def customQuery =
  ctx.newQuery(dm, true)
    .select(SKU_FIELD, 'Sku')
    .select('SUM('+IP_FIELD+')/1e6', 'Revenue')
    .select('SUM('+IP_FIELD+'-'+COSTS_FIELD+')/SUM('+IP_FIELD+')', 'MarginPct')
//  .where(YEAR_FIELD + '=2014')

api.trace('customQuery', null, customQuery)

def res = ctx.executeQuery(customQuery)
def data = []

res?.getData()?.each  { row ->
  data.push([row.get('Sku'), row.get('MarginPct'), row.get('Revenue')])

def definition = [
  chart: [
        type: 'variwide'

    title: [
        text: 'Margin % by Product'

    xAxis: [
        type: 'category',
        title: [
            text: 'Column widths are proportional to total revenue'

    legend: [
        enabled: false

    series: [[
        name: 'Margin',
        data: data,
        dataLabels: [
            enabled: true,
            format: '{point.y:.2f} %'
        tooltip: [
            pointFormat: 'Margin: <b>{point.y:.2f} %</b><br>' +
                'GDP: <b>€ {point.z:.1f} K</b><br>'
        colorByPoint: true

def chart = api.buildHighchart(definition)

return chart


See also: