Use Cases for Partition Copy

Partition Copy is typically used for these purposes:

Partition Copy activities are occasional and far apart.

Self-service Options

With regards to any forward path, i.e. to bring instance content from a non-PROD to a PROD environment, you should make use of the available tools:

All these tools will allow for automation, traceability, and therefore better control of your instance contents.

Requirements and Limitations

Partition copy/migration is performed by taking a database backup at the source partition and restoring it at the destination partition (as a new partition or replacing existing).

It is always the entire database/partition that is copied; no cherry-picking of single elements is possible. There's no auto adaptation of the content to the new environment.

Be aware of the Pricefx version of the source/destination partition. We can only copy to a partition of same Pricefx version as the source – or higher. We cannot migrate a partition from a newer Pricefx version cluster to an older one.

These specific elements on the destination partition might get affected/replaced by the partition copy (the list is not exhaustive):

It is the requestors responsibility to manage these configurations once the Partition Copy is completed. If the requester requires assistance from an Integration Engineer or Configuration Engineer to perform these changes, it needs to be arranged through Pricefx Project Manager or Customer Success Manager.

Depending on the serving hardware and your dataset size and structure, the process can take hours to days. It might also require scaling up of your cluster or instance. Depending on your contract, this might come at an additional cost.

Maintenance Window Considerations

The destination cluster needs to be restarted in order to complete the copy process. The integration module of the destination cluster has to be shut down during the entire copy process, but the inbound data can still be collected and will get processed once the integration is put back in service. Only in rare situations it is necessary to take the source cluster off-line or restart it.

Given this, it is necessary to indicate a suitable maintenance window.

How to Request a Partition Copy

If the self-service options above are not sufficient, a Partition Request can be forwarded in Pricefx HelpDesk via the Service Request case type.